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Google App Engine出现黑屏错误

[英]Blank screen error on google app engine

I am trying out this idea where there is a table of 'events' on a '/search' page and when a 'GO' button of an event is pressed, it will increment the 'RSVP' count of that event, and redirect back to '/search'. 我正在尝试这种想法,即在“ /搜索”页面上有一个“事件”表,并且当按下某个事件的“开始”按钮时,它将增加该事件的“ RSVP”计数,并重定向回搜索'。 However, when I clicked on the 'GO' button in my application, it leads to a blank screen with url 'localhost:8080/rsvp'. 但是,当我单击应用程序中的“开始”按钮时,它会导致显示空白页面,并显示网址为“ localhost:8080 / rsvp”。

Finding it strange and wondering which part of my code is wrong. 发现它奇怪并想知道我的代码的哪一部分是错误的。 Here are some of the relevant parts of the code that I think is causing the error. 这是我认为引起错误的代码的一些相关部分。

This is the code from the python file: 这是python文件中的代码:

class RSVPItem(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    # increment RSVP count when GO button is clicked
    def post(self):
        itemkey = ndb.Key('Items', self.request.get('itemid'))
        item = itemkey.get()
        item.rsvp = item.rsvp + 1

# Handler for the Search page
class Search(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    # Display search page
    def get(self):
        user = users.get_current_user()
        if user:  # signed in already
            # Retrieve items
            query = ndb.gql("SELECT * "
                            "FROM Items ")

            template_values = {
                'user_mail': users.get_current_user().email(),
                'logout': users.create_logout_url(self.request.host_url),
                'items': query,
            template = jinja_environment.get_template('search.html')

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', MainPage),
                           ('/giftbook', MainPageUser),
                           ('/wishlist', WishList),
                           ('/deleteitem', DeleteItem),
                           ('/search', Search),
                           ('/rsvp', RSVPItem),
                           ('/display', Display),
                           ('/displaytag', Displaytag)],

This is from the html file for 'search.html'. 这是来自“ search.html”的html文件。 Only showing the part I think is relevant. 只显示我认为相关的部分。

<h4> Events List </h4>
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <th width="10%">Name</th>
        <th width = "10%">Link</th>
        <th width = "10%">Date</th>
        <th width = "10%">Type</th>
        <th width = "10%">RSVP</th>
        <th width = "10%">Rolling?</th>
    {% for item in items %}
            <td>{{ item.event_name }} </td>
            <td>{{ item.description }}</td>
            <td>{{ item.event_link}}</td>
            <td>{{ item.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')  }}</td>
            <td>{{ item.event_type}}</td>
            <td>{{ item.rsvp }}
                <form action="/rsvp" method="post">
                    <input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="{{ item.item_id }}">
                    <input type="submit" value="GO!">
    {% endfor %}

<form action="/rsvp" method="post"> sends them to /rsvp . <form action="/rsvp" method="post">将它们发送到/rsvp Do you have a url handler for /rsvp ? 您是否有/rsvp的网址处理程序?

Make sure you cast the Key to an int : 确保将Key转换为int

itemkey = ndb.Key('Items', int(self.request.get('itemid')))

Instead of setting your own id item_id , just use the built-in Key : 无需设置自己的ID item_id ,只需使用内置的Key

<input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="{{ item.key.id() }}">

Check the logs to see if there are any errors. 检查日志以查看是否有任何错误。

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