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客户端/服务器套接字。 不读或写

[英]Client/Server socket. Doesn't read or write

First of all here are a my compilable projects . 首先这里是我的可编译项目

IDE = Netbeans IDE = Netbeans

I have serversocket in one project and client socket in second project. 我在一个项目中有serversocket,在第二个项目中有client socket。

ServerSocket Project's code Fragment: ServerSocket项目的代码片段:

showStatus(String status); is method which appends text to statusWindow (JTextArea);
Socket gameClientSocket,ObjectOutputStream gameoos and ObjectInputStream gameois is declared outside code fragment

Code: 码:

 private void configureSockets() {
        properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD-waiting someone to accept");
        gameClientSocket = gameSocket.accept();

        properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD-getting outputsstreams");

        gameoos= new ObjectOutputStream(gameClientSocket.getOutputStream());

         properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD-getting inputstreams");
         gameois=new ObjectInputStream(gameClientSocket.getInputStream());
         properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD-testing connections ,\nwe must receive int 1 ");
         properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD- received "+gameois.readInt());

        }catch(IOException ex){

And initialization: 并初始化:

gameSocket = new ServerSocket(GAME_PORT);

ClientSocket Project's code Fragment: ClientSocket项目的代码片段:

 System.out.println("GAME_THREAD-configuring gameSocket ");
                properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD- configuring gameSocket ");
                if(gameSocket==null ){
                gameSocket = new Socket("localhost",GAME_PORT);
                System.out.println("GAME_THREAD- getting Streams");
                properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD- getting Streams ");

                gameoos = new ObjectOutputStream(gameSocket.getOutputStream());
                gameois = new ObjectInputStream(gameSocket.getInputStream());

                properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD-testing  sending  ");
                properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD-seccessfully sent ");

                properties.showStatus("GAME_THREAD- setting Streams to gameWindow ");
                System.out.println("GAME_THREAD-setting Streams to gameWindow");

At the end here are status Windows: 最后是状态Windows:

GAME_THREAD - blocking game Window
GAME_THREAD- configuring gameSocket 
GAME_THREAD- getting Streams 
GAME_THREAD-testing  sending  
GAME_THREAD-seccessfully sent 
GAME_THREAD- setting Streams to gameWindow 

And server Projects status Window: 和服务器项目状态窗口:

GAME_THREAD-getting outputsstreams
GAME_THREAD-getting inputstreams
GAME_THREAD-testing connections ,
we must receive int 1 


I can't read a number from an ObjectInputStream (Or it's not writing), Exception is never thrown, process is freezing and don't doing anything. 我无法从ObjectInputStream中读取数字(或者它不是在写),从不抛出异常,进程被冻结并且不执行任何操作。 I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong. 我不知道我做错了什么。 I searched the whole web but can't find any usable answer. 我搜索了整个网络,但找不到任何可用的答案。 Could you help me? 你可以帮帮我吗?



solved the problem 解决了问题

Freezing occurs because you are trying to do the network connection on the main thread I believe, which is a terrible plan - you need to put them on a second thread. 发生冻结是因为您尝试在我认为的主线程上进行网络连接,这是一个糟糕的计划-您需要将它们放在第二个线程上。 You can either use a thread pool from the ExecutorService, http://www.journaldev.com/1069/java-thread-pool-example-using-executors-and-threadpoolexecutor or you can just run your own thread. 您可以使用ExecutorService中的线程池, 网址为http://www.journaldev.com/1069/java-thread-pool-example-using-executors-and-threadpoolexecutor ,也可以只运行自己的线程。

A thread needs an implementation of the Runnable interface to run. 线程需要Runnable接口的实现才能运行。

public class MyThread implements Runnable
    public void run()
        //do stuff

public static void main(String[] args)
    Thread thread = new Thread(new MyThread());
    //...do other stuff and not end the app here

But I don't think you can send objects just like that, you would need to convert them to byte[] and reassemble them: send a serializable object over socket 但是我认为您不能像这样发送对象,您需要将它们转换为byte []并重新组装它们: 通过套接字发送可序列化的对象

My personal recommendation is to ditch the ObjectStreams altogether, and use a framework that allows for sending objects through as they are, like the KryoNet framework: https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/kryonet 我个人的建议是完全放弃ObjectStream,并使用一个框架,该框架允许按原样发送对象,例如KryoNet框架: https : //github.com/EsotericSoftware/kryonet

An example code for using it would be this: 使用它的示例代码如下:

  Server server = new Server();
  Kryo kryo = server.getKryo();
  server.bind(2300, 2301);
  server.addListener(new Listener() {
   public void received(Connection connection, Object object)
      if(object instanceof float[])
        float[] array = (float[])object;
        for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
           System.out.println("" + array[i]);
  Client client = new Client();
  Kryo kryo = client.getKryo();
  client.addListener(new Listener() {
    public void connected(Connection connection)
       connection.sendTCP(new float[] {5, 6, 7, 8});
  client.connect(5000, "”, 2300, 2301);

And KryoNet already runs networking on a background thread, so you don't need to mess around with that at all. 而且KryoNet已经在后台线程上运行网络,因此您完全不需要弄乱它。

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