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Windows验证来自Open SSL php的签名

[英]Windows to verify signature from Open SSL php

I use PHP to sign a string with openssl_sign. 我使用PHP使用openssl_sign对字符串进行签名。 So far all ok. 到目前为止一切正常。

The problem is that I want to verify the signature from Windows. 问题是我想从Windows验证签名。 For that I pass the certificate, the message, and it's signature to the windows app. 为此,我将证书,消息及其签名传递给Windows应用程序。 How do I use CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature to force using the certificate that the PHP code used? 如何使用CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature强制使用PHP代码使用的证书?

I tried it, but it returns "asn1 bad tag value met" on the signature created by PHP ... 我尝试了一下,但是它在PHP创建的签名上返回了“满足asn1错误标签值”。

Thanks... 谢谢...

It's hard to say since you haven't posted your code or a sample signature / plaintext / key. 由于尚未发布代码或示例签名/明文/密钥,因此很难说。 But, in lieu of that, here's how I'd do it (with phpseclib): 但是,代替这一点,这是我的方法(使用phpseclib):


$rsa = new Crypt_RSA();
$rsa->loadKey('...'); // private key

$plaintext = '...';

$signature = $rsa->sign($plaintext);

$rsa->loadKey('...'); // public key
echo $rsa->verify($plaintext, $signature) ? 'verified' : 'unverified';

If the signature mode is PSS just do $rsa->setSignatureMode() (without any parameters) instead. 如果签名模式为PSS,则只需执行$rsa->setSignatureMode() (不带任何参数)即可。

If the signature and plaintext are both in the same blob you'll need to separate it per whatever file format you're using. 如果签名和纯文本都在同一个Blob中,则需要使用任何文件格式将其分开。

No luck. 没运气。 I finally resorted to openssl_pkcs7_sign which outputs a S/MIME compatible message, which I can handle in Windows. 最后,我求助于openssl_pkcs7_sign,它输出一个S / MIME兼容消息,我可以在Windows中处理该消息。

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