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[英]Debugger does not work in Rake task

I'm using ruby 2.1.0 and Rails 4.1.0 我正在使用ruby 2.1.0和Rails 4.1.0

If I put a debugger statement anywhere in my rake code, I get this: 如果我在rake代码中的任何地方放置debugger语句,则会得到以下信息:


[208, 217] in /home/vagrant/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.0/lib/ruby/2.1.0/monitor.rb
   208    def mon_synchronize
   209      mon_enter
   210      begin
   211        yield
   212      ensure
=> 213        mon_exit
   214      end
   215    end
   216    alias synchronize mon_synchronize

I cannot access any of the local variables in my code. 我无法访问代码中的任何局部变量。 Monitor appears to be a threading library... so how do I get the debugger statement to run properly? Monitor似乎是一个线程库...所以如何使debugger语句正常运行?

The issue was putting " debugger " at the end of a method, which would make it the return value. 问题是将“ debugger ”放在方法的末尾,这将使其成为返回值。

The fix... don't put debugger at the end of a method. 解决方法...不要将debugger放在方法的末尾。

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