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[英]How to find a custom function's address to hook/detour in another running process?

Related to: How to find a functions address to hook/detour in an EXE file? 相关信息: 如何在EXE文件中查找要挂接/绕行的函数地址?

I have to detour a function defined inside the executable I'm injecting my code into. 我必须绕过将代码注入其中的可执行文件中定义的函数。 The application is Open-Source so I know everything about the function I'd need for hooking it. 该应用程序是开源的,因此我了解钩住该功能所需要的一切。

In the accepted answer to that question, it says to hook some low level windows api functions first to get the address of the actual function I want to hook, question is, which windows API function should I hook? 在该问题的公认答案中,它说首先钩住一些底层Windows api函数以获得我想钩住的实际函数的地址,问题是,我应该钩住哪个Windows API函数?

Choose an API inside your target EXE that get called first when it runs. 在目标EXE中选择一个在运行时首先被调用的API。 Load it to OllyDbg and trace until you find one. 将其加载到OllyDbg并进行跟踪,直到找到一个。

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