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asp.net mvc分层应用程序,我理解正确吗?

[英]asp.net mvc layered application, am I understanding it right?

I've read a lot of asp.net mvc layered application I can find in the internet. 我已经阅读了很多可以在Internet上找到的asp.net mvc分层应用程序。 Now, time to apply what I've learned. 现在,该运用我所学的知识了。 Please tell me if I'm doing it right or not. 请告诉我我是否做对了。 An example code would be great :D 一个示例代码会很棒:D

This is just a simple layered application. 这只是一个简单的分层应用程序。 Here goes, 开始,

        -- DataAccess (contains repo, interfaces and dbcontext)
        -- Mappings (mapping to models using fluent api)
        -- Migrations (schema migration)
        -- Filters (pipe and filter)
        - Product.cs
        - Customer.cs
        - Order.cs
<Company>.Service (consumes the interfaces and implementation)
        - ProductService.cs
        - CustomerService.cs
        - OrderService.cs
<Company>.Web (ASP.NET MVC, have reference to Ninject, including ViewModels)

I'm wondering, in the <Company>.Service layer (if this should be the place where I should put my business logic) For example. 我想知道在<Company>.Service层中(例如,如果这应该是放置业务逻辑的地方)。

public class ProductService : IProductRepository
  public IQueryable<Product> GetProductByCustomer(int id)
    // Some logic; Get all the products bought by the customer

Then in my Controller 然后在我的Controller

public class CustomerController : Controller
  private readonly ICustomerRepository _customerRepo;
  private readonly IProductRepository _productRepo;

  public CustomerControll(ICustomerRepository customerRepo,
           IProductRepository productRepo)
    _customerRepo = customerRepo;
    _productRepo = productRepo;

  public ActionResult Index(int id)
    var customerProducts = _productRepo.GetProductByCustomer(id);
    return View(customerProducts.ToList());

Please let me know if there is something I need to improve or some areas I need to add. 请让我知道我是否需要改进或需要增加一些地方。 I just want to start of simple then I'll climb my way through. 我只想从简单开始,然后继续学习。

Note: I removed some code for brevity. 注意:为简洁起见,我删除了一些代码。

Really appreciated for your help. 非常感谢您的帮助。 Thanks! 谢谢!

You can have a look at this repo 你可以看看这个回购

https://github.com/MarlabsInc/SocialGoal https://github.com/MarlabsInc/SocialGoal

It contains an example project implementing best practices using ASP.NET MVC, EF, service layer, repository pattern, unit of work pattern etc. 它包含一个使用ASP.NET MVC,EF,服务层,存储库模式,工作单元模式等实现最佳实践的示例项目。

I'd change your ProductService so that it includes your repository using composition rather than inheritance . 我将更改您的ProductService ,使其包含使用合成而不是继承的存储库。 Or... as it looks very much like a repository anyway, maybe you meant to call it ProductRepository ? 还是...反正看起来很像一个存储库,也许您打算将其称为ProductRepository In which case you might still need a ProductService to hold your business logic. 在这种情况下,您可能仍然需要ProductService来保存您的业务逻辑。


For example: 例如:

public class ProductService : IProductRepository
    public IQueryable<Product> GetProductByCustomer(int id)
        // Some logic; Get all the products bought by the customer

Would become: 会成为:

public class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
    public IQueryable<Product> GetProductByCustomer(int customerId)
        // Some logic; Get all the products bought by the customer

And you would have some sort of business oriented function in your application/services layer: 在应用程序/服务层中,您将具有某种面向业务的功能:

public class ProductService
    private readonly IProductRepository productRepository;

    public ProductService(IProductRepository productRepository)
        this.productRepository = productRepository;

    public IEnumerable<Product> GetCurrentProductsOnOrderForCustomer(int customerId)
        // etc.


Usually in a layered architecture, you would only talk to the immediate layer below you (although architectures exist where you can talk to any layer below you, it may be the one you want). 通常,在分层体系结构中,您只会与您下面的直接层对话(尽管存在可以与您下面的任何层对话的体系结构,但它可能是您想要的层)。 Your typical layered app would be laid out as UI/Presentation Layer -> Application/Service Layer -> Data Layer . 您典型的分层应用程序将布局为UI/Presentation Layer -> Application/Service Layer -> Data Layer Your Controllers would be in your UI Layer , usually with a reference to the Application/Service Layer , where things like your ProductService would live. 您的Controllers通常位于UI Layer ,通常会引用Application/Service Layer ,像ProductService这样的东西将存在于其中。

Why do you call you repository in you controller?? 为什么在控制器中调用存储库? it's better to call repository interfaces in service and service interfaces in controller: 最好在服务中调用存储库接口,并在控制器中调用服务接口:

public class ProductService : IProductRepository
    private readonly IProductRepository _productRepository;

    public ProductService(IProductRepository productRepository) 

    public IQueryable<Product> GetProductByCustomer(int id)
        // Some logic; Get all the products bought by the customer

and then in your controller: 然后在您的控制器中:

public class CustomerController : Controller
  private readonly IProductService _productService ;

  public CustomerControll(IProductService productService)
    _productService = productService;

  public ActionResult Index(int id)
    //call service here

calling repository in controller is not a good practice if you have service layer and all business logic should be solved in domain layer not in service or other layers. 如果您具有服务层,并且应该在域层而不是服务层或其他层中解决所有业务逻辑,则在控制器中调用存储库不是一个好习惯。

You're headed in the right direction, but I'll recommend some few changes. 您的方向正确,但我建议您进行一些更改。 Since your <Company.Data> has folders for Mapping , Migration ... I think you should have a folder for your models Product, Customer, Order and call it Model , or you can place them in a different project and call it <Company.Model> . 由于您的<Company.Data>具有用于MappingMigration文件夹...我想您应该为您的模型Product, Customer, Order命名一个文件夹Product, Customer, Order并将其命名为Model ,或者您可以将它们放置在其他项目中,并将其命名为<Company.Model> 。模型<Company.Model>

I think you need to clearly define and understand what you mean by service. 我认为您需要明确定义和理解服务的含义。 (a)It could be your applications main entry point, which other client (WebForms, MVC, or any presentation framework) interacts with. (a)它可能是您的应用程序的主要入口点,其他客户端(WebForms,MVC或任何表示框架)都将与之交互。 (b) You could refer to your service as your Domain service which defines the business rules/logic for your application. (b)您可以将服务称为域服务,该域服务定义了应用程序的业务规则/逻辑。

If it's (b), this will interact with your repository(which handles retrieval of data from your data-store) and contains business rules. 如果为(b),它将与您的存储库(用于处理从数据存储中检索数据)进行交互并包含业务规则。 eg 例如

ProductRepository : IProductRepository 
    public IEnumerable<Product> FindAll()

    public void ProductService(IProductRepository productRepository)
          _repository = productRepository;

    //Business rules follows

If it's (a) this could be achieved in different ways based on your purpose and will communicate with your domain-service. 如果是(a),则可以根据您的目的以不同的方式实现,并将与您的域服务进行通信。

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