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[英]Background not positioned properly, text not importing, rollover effects?

Hey guys I'm still working on the same web mockup design for a friend and I am trying to figure out a few things so I know for the future. 大家好,我仍在为一个朋友设计相同的Web样机,我正在设法弄清楚一些事情,以便我对未来有所了解。

First off, the background image is not positioned properly (and I know if I change it from fixed it will be, but I want that scrolling effect). 首先,背景图像的位置不正确(我知道是否可以将其从固定位置更改,但是我想要那种滚动效果)。 Code is: 代码是:

.jumbotron {
background:url("http://i.imgur.com/5zm8SAo.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed;
background-size: cover;
height: 500px;

If I mess with the background size, then the dimensions don't fit with the website. 如果我弄乱了背景尺寸,则尺寸与网站不符。

  1. I uploaded a font from my computer (I don't have a server set up yet) to a public font generator website as an OTF file, and I had it running on my computer when I was working on it last night but now from my office computer, the font shows up at default. 我从计算机(尚未设置服务器)将字体作为OTF文件上传到公共字体生成器网站,昨晚在计算机上运行该字体时,但现在从我的计算机上运行它办公计算机,默认情况下会显示该字体。 Is there a workaround? 有解决方法吗? or do I need a server? 还是我需要一台服务器?

  2. I want to add some rollover effects to the pictures at the bottom, enlarge in general them a bit, fade out and add text, similar to the reigningchamp website (scroll to bottom, not enough rep to post two links?!?) So this code works: 我想在底部的图片上添加一些过渡效果,将它们总体上放大一点,淡出并添加文本,类似于reigningchamp网站(滚动到底部,没有足够的代表来发布两个链接吗?!?)代码有效:

      <div class="col-md-4"> <div class = "grow"> <div class="thumbnail"> <img src="#" /> </div> </div> </div> .grow { display: inline-block; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: transform; transition-property: transform; -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); transform: translateZ(0); box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } .grow:hover, .grow:focus, .grow:active { -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); transform: scale(1.1); } 

Also since I am using the bootstrap framework, when I try to enlarge the thumbnails from calling the class thumbnail, nothing changes how do I make the images bigger but still in the line they are in? 另外,由于我使用的是Bootstrap框架,因此当我尝试通过调用类缩略图来放大缩略图时,没有什么改变如何使图像变大但仍保持在原来的位置?

  1. And One LAST Thing is a general question on how to make the formatting of the site adjust to browser window, mobile, etc. so the font doesnt run on the page or the logo at the top gets misplaced? 最后一个问题是关于如何使网站的格式适应浏览器窗口,移动设备等的一般性问题,以使字体不在页面上运行或顶部徽标放错位置? This might have to do with javascript which I've been working on learning through codeacademy(but so far its all these games and random functions, not website functionality). 这可能与我一直在通过代码学院学习的javascript有关(但到目前为止,它是所有这些游戏和随机函数,而不是网站功能)。 If you make the window smaller, the nav menu text runs onto the .jumbotron div. 如果使窗口变小,则导航菜单文本会在.jumbotron div上运行。

Thanks guys, I know its a lot, but hopefully someone can help me with one of these!! 谢谢大家,我知道很多,但是希望有人可以帮助我解决其中之一!

**Here's the JSFiddle** http://jsfiddle.net/thedonmon/KZ7d8/5/ **这是JSFiddle ** http://jsfiddle.net/thedonmon/KZ7d8/5/

Yes the OTF files need to be on the server if you are going to be accessing them from different machines. 是的,如果要从其他计算机访问它们,则OTF文件需要位于服务器上。 You should have them loaded on the server so that everyone can see them, not just on your local machine. 您应该将它们加载到服务器上,以便每个人都可以看到它们,而不仅仅是在本地计算机上。 Unless they are taken from Google-fonts, you can use their API.. https://www.google.com/fonts 除非它们来自Google-fonts,否则您可以使用其API。.https ://www.google.com/fonts

As for the for images part, I created a fiddle for you: http://jsfiddle.net/sburke0708/KZ7d8/18/ I think what you are looking for is the -webkit-transform: properties. 至于for images部分,我为您创建了一个小提琴: http : //jsfiddle.net/sburke0708/KZ7d8/18/我认为您正在寻找的是-webkit-transform:属性。 Make sure you add the others prefixes for the inclusion of other browsers. 确保添加其他前缀以包含其他浏览器。

The last part you want to check out media queries. 您要检查媒体查询的最后一部分。 These re-size your content specific to your needs. 这些可以根据您的需求调整内容大小。 Check out https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Media_queries Media queries typically go at the end of your CSS to resize specific elements to avoid this problem. 查看https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Media_queries媒体查询通常在CSS末尾进行,以调整特定元素的大小,以避免此问题。

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