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[英]Javascript not referencing local json file

I cannot seem to be able to get my variable to reference the local json file instead of the current remote json file. 我似乎无法让我的变量引用本地json文件而不是当前的远程json文件。 I want to be able to set the Javascript to read the local test.json file instead of the remote resturl url. 我希望能够将Javascript设置为读取本地test.json文件,而不是远程resturl url。 I want to change the current resturl variable to the commented resturl below it. 我想将当前的resturl变量更改为其下方的注释过的resturl。 Please let me know if you need more information. 如果您需要更多信息,请告诉我。 The scripts are based off of: https://github.com/kenklin/aws-price-comparison-chart 脚本基于以下内容: https : //github.com/kenklin/aws-price-comparison-chart

function update() {
// Construct REST URL
 var resturl = "http://p1software-eb1.elasticbeanstalk.com/awsec2offering/api"
  + "/" + d3.select("#availabilityZone").node().value // us-east-1a
  + "/" + d3.select("#productDescription").node().value // linux
  + "/" + d3.select("#offeringType").node().value   // heavy
  + "/" + d3.select("#instanceType1").node().value    // t1.micro
  + "," + d3.select("#instanceType2").node().value;   // m1.small

// resturl = "test.json"
// resturl = "http://localhost:8080/awsec2offering/awsec2offering/api/us-east-1a/linux/heavy/t1.micro,m1.small."
d3.json(resturl, function(error, json) {
  data = json.ec2offerings;

  // Assign colors to each unique name. 
  var color = d3.scale.category10();
  color.domain(data.map(function(p) { return createUniqueName(p); }));

  // Coerce the data to numbers.
  data.forEach(function(d) {
    d.month = +d.month;

JSONP with callback parameter to get cross-domain scripting 带有回调参数的JSONP以获取跨域脚本

How to send data using JSONP from localhost to domain.com 如何使用JSONP将数据从本地主机发送到domain.com

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