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[英]Android - secure app data on external storage

I need to secure my apps data securely on external data. 我需要在外部数据上安全地保护我的应用程序数据。 Is there a way to hide data from getting accessed via other apps or by USB? 有没有办法隐藏数据以防止通过其他应用程序或通过USB访问? There is lot of data so don't want to use internal storage in private mode. 数据很多,所以不想在私有模式下使用内部存储。 How can I set permissions on a file like chmod 700 ? 如何在chmod 700这样的文件上设置权限?

App data is PDF file which need to be opened in PDF readers. 应用数据是PDF文件,需要在PDF阅读器中打开。 So need to take care of that also 所以也需要照顾

Is there a way to hide data from getting accessed via other apps or by USB? 有没有办法隐藏数据以防止通过其他应用程序或通过USB访问?

No. 没有。

There is lot of data so don't want to use internal storage in private mode. 数据很多,所以不想在私有模式下使用内部存储。

On most Android 3.0+ devices, internal storage and external storage are on the same partition and have the same amount of space. 在大多数Android 3.0+设备上,内部存储和外部存储在同一分区上,并且具有相同的空间量。 Hence, if a "lot of data" is too much for internal storage, it is too much for external storage, on most Android 3.0+ devices. 因此,在大多数Android 3.0及更高版本的设备上,如果“大量数据”对于内部存储而言过多,对于外部存储而言则过多。

It is on Android 1.x/2.x where internal storage tended to be separate and a lot smaller than external storage. 它位于Android 1.x / 2.x上,内部存储往往是独立的,并且比外部存储要小得多。

How can I set permissions on a file like chmod 700 ? 如何在chmod 700这样的文件上设置权限?

You can't. 你不能

You are welcome to use libraries like Facebook's Conceal to encrypt files on external storage, using a key maintained on internal storage. 欢迎您使用Facebook的Conceal之库,使用内部存储中维护的密钥来加密外部存储中的文件。 This has the net effect of preventing others from examining your data (except on rooted devices, of course). 这具有防止其他人检查您的数据的净效果(当然,除了在root用户的设备上)。 However, users or other apps can still delete your files. 但是,用户或其他应用程序仍可以删除您的文件。

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