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Magento Enterprise主要内容页面?

[英]Magento Enterprise main content page?

We are using Magento Enterprise ver. 我们正在使用Magento Enterprise版本。 and i can't find where i have to go to edit the content of the main page?,我找不到要编辑主页内容的位置? Is it accessible through the Magento dashboard interface? 可通过Magento仪表板界面访问吗?

I have looked through the "CMS -> Pages -> Managed Content". 我已经浏览了“ CMS->页面->托管内容”。 But i could not find it in there. 但是我在那里找不到。 Nor is it inside of the "CMS -> Static Blocks" page. 它也不在“ CMS->静态块”页面内。 Or in any of the System Configuration options. 或在任何“系统配置”选项中。

So i'm thinking i'm going to have to actually edit some code, but i don't know which file that might be. 所以我认为我将不得不实际编辑一些代码,但是我不知道可能是哪个文件。

I really don't know alot about the Magento Enterprise system, so any help would be awesome! 我真的对Magento Enterprise系统一无所知,所以任何帮助都很棒!

If anyone could help out or point me to documentation on where to find the main content page that would be great! 如果有人可以帮忙或将我指向在哪里可以找到主要内容页面的文档,那就太好了! thanks! 谢谢! :) :)

*edit: by change content i mean i would like to move some things around get rid of a few things and add a new thing or two. *编辑:通过更改内容,我的意思是我想移动一些东西以摆脱一些东西并添加一两个新东西。

CMS->Pages->UrlKey: home CMS->页面-> UrlKey:主页

Have fun! 玩得开心!

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