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NodeJS / Express /均值堆栈

[英]NodeJS / Express / Mean Stack

I am new to Express and semi-new to nodejs and I am trying to run a simple app / webserver as a proof of concept. 我是Express的新手,对nodejs的新手,我试图运行一个简单的应用程序/网络服务器作为概念验证。 I have been stuck for hours because my server serves every file as index.html (with the content of index.html). 我已经呆了几个小时,因为我的服务器将每个文件都作为index.html(包含index.html的内容)来提供。

In my index.html I am making calls to JS files and CSS files and they are all coming back but with a 200 in the console but they are all coming back with index.html content instead of the actual content contained in them. 在我的index.html中,我正在调用JS文件和CSS文件,它们全部返回,但在控制台中返回200,但是它们全部返回index.html内容而不是其中包含的实际内容。 I believe the problem is in my server.js file which is below: 我相信问题出在下面的我的server.js文件中:

// server.js

// modules =================================================
var express = require('express');
var app     = express();
var mongoose= require('mongoose');
var path = require('path');

// configuration ===========================================

// config files
var db = require('../config/db');

var port = process.env.PORT || 9999; // set our port
//mongoose.connect(db.url); // connect to our mongoDB database (uncomment after you enter in your own credentials in config/db.js)

app.configure(function() {
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));     // set the static files location     /public/img will be /img for users
app.use(express.logger('dev'));                     // log every request to the console
app.use(express.bodyParser());                      // have the ability to pull information from html in POST
app.use(express.methodOverride());                  // have the ability to simulate DELETE and PUT

// routes ==================================================
require('../../app/routes')(app); // configure our routes

// start app ===============================================
app.listen(port);                                                // startup our app at http://localhost:9999
console.log('Magic happens on port ' + port);           // shoutout to the user
exports = module.exports = app;                         // expose app


// app/routes.js

module.exports = function(app) {

// server routes ===========================================================
// handle things like api calls
// authentication routes

// sample api route
app.get('/api/nerds', function(req, res) {
    // use mongoose to get all nerds in the database
    Nerd.find(function(err, nerds) {

        // if there is an error retrieving, send the error. nothing after res.send(err) will execute
        if (err)

        res.json(nerds); // return all nerds in JSON format

// route to handle creating (app.post)
// route to handle delete (app.delete)

// frontend routes =========================================================
// route to handle all angular requests
app.get('*', function(req, res) {
    res.sendfile('/Users/...../app/public/index.html'); // load our public/index.html file
    //res.sendfile(path, {'root': '../'});

}; };

I have been following this tutorial verbatum: http://scotch.io/bar-talk/setting-up-a-mean-stack-single-page-application but haven't had much success. 我一直在关注本教程的详细信息: http ://scotch.io/bar-talk/setting-up-a-mean-stack-single-page-application,但并没有取得太大的成功。

I cannot confirm without looking at your computer but I get the feeling the paths in your application are wrong. 我不看电脑就无法确认,但是我感觉到您的应用程序中的路径错误。

The crucial parts in the express setup are: 快速设置中的关键部分是:

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));


app.get('*', function(req, res) { res.sendfile('/Users/...../app/public/index.html');

The first rule catches and returns any static file in __dirname + '/public' . 第一条规则捕获并返回__dirname + '/public'任何静态文件。
The second returns index.html for anything else. 第二个返回index.html来表示其他内容。

The problem is that your server.js is not in the apps directory (I can see this since you use ../../app/routes.js to get to routes.js ) this means __dirname + '/public' is not pointing to the public directory. 问题是,你的server.js是不是在应用程序目录(我可以看到这一点,因为你用../../app/routes.jsroutes.js ),这意味着__dirname + '/public'不指向公共目录。 Which is why your static files are being served by the global rule in routes.js . 这就是为什么您的静态文件由routes.js的全局规则提供服务的routes.js

In order to fix this change __dirname + '/public' to ../../app/public , or better yet place your server.js file where it should be and update your paths. 为了解决此问题, __dirname + '/public'更改为../../app/public ,或者最好将server.js文件放置在应有的位置并更新路径。
I can also see you are using an absolute full path to index.html in routes.js instead of a relative one so it seems as if your applications needs to tidied out. 我还可以看到,您使用的是在routes.js中使用index.html的绝对完整路径,而不是相对路径,因此似乎您的应用程序需要整理。

The tutorial that you are following contains this route 您关注的教程包含此路线

app.get('*', function(req, res) {
  res.sendfile('./public/index.html'); // load our public/index.html file

which explicitly defines the behaviour you described. 明确定义您描述的行为。

In this tutorial it makes sense because it explains how to build a single page application. 在本教程中,这很有意义,因为它说明了如何构建单页应用程序。 This type of the application typically returns the same content for all the request while the actual presentation work happens on the client by the client-side library (angular in this example). 这种类型的应用程序通常会为所有请求返回相同的内容,而实际的呈现工作是由客户端库(在此示例中为角度)在客户端上发生的。

So if you what to serve more pages with different content you need to add more routes for them, just like route for /api/nerds in the example. 因此,如果您要为更多内容不同的页面提供服务,则需要为其添加更多路由,就像示例中/api/nerds路由一样。

Update: 更新:

After clarifying that the issue is incorrectly served CSS and JS files, the proposed solution is to check the location of the server.js - it should be in the folder together with the folder "public". 弄清该问题不正确地提供给CSS和JS文件后,建议的解决方案是检查server.js的位置-它应该与文件夹“ public”一起放在文件夹中。

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