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Bootstrap Popover在对象中不起作用

[英]Bootstrap popover doesn't work in object

I am trying to make my own js class for table grid adjustments(hide columns) and my popover button doesn't work. 我正在尝试制作自己的js类以进行表格网格调整(隐藏列),而我的弹出按钮不起作用。

When i use all of that functions on page it works, but when I put in prototype it fails. 当我在页面上使用所有这些功能时,它将起作用,但是当我放入原型时,它将失败。

here is my grid.js : 这是我的grid.js

function Grid(element, tableId, module){
    return this.init(element, tableId, module);

Grid.prototype = {

    grid: [],

    element: "",

    popover: null,

    tableId: "",

    module: "",

    backEndURL: location.href,

    formId: "#grid_form",

    wrapper: "#grid_entities",

    init: function(element, tableId, module){

            this.element = element;
            this.tableId = tableId;
            this.module = module;



    initButton: function(){

        this.popover = $(this.element).popover({
            placement: "bottom",
            html: true,
            content: this.getPopoverContent()


Index.php: index.php文件:

<div id="filterButtons">
    <i class="left iconfilter" id="filterButton" data-toggle="popover"></i>
    <i class="left iconlayout" id="gridButton" data-toggle="popover"></i>
$(document).ready(function () {
    var grid = new Grid(...);

Also Grid.js is included in the bottom of the page. 页面底部还包含Grid.js。

I don't see your addOnClickListener but I suspect it's a problem with this . 我没有看到你的addOnClickListener,但我怀疑这是一个问题this Your constructor function should not return anything. 您的构造函数不应返回任何内容。 So you can do something like this: 因此,您可以执行以下操作:

function Grid(element, tableId, module){
    this.init(element, tableId, module);

Grid.prototype = {
        var me = this;
        return function(e){
            //e is the event, e.target is the clicked element
            //me is the Grid instance
            console.log("button clicked, e is:",e," and this is:"
              ,this," and me is:",me);

Errors would be helpful, in Chrome or Firefox (with Firebug plugin installed) press F12 and see if there are any errors in the console. 错误可能会有帮助,在Chrome或Firefox(安装了Firebug插件)中,按F12键,查看控制台中是否有任何错误。 Do a console.log to see what the values of your variables are. 执行console.log以查看变量的值。

More on prototype, constructor functions and the value of this can be found here . 更多关于原型,构造函数和值this可以找到这里

Thanks to all. 谢谢大家。 I solve it. 我解决了。 The reason was that I generate popover content via ajax: 原因是我通过ajax生成了popover内容:

initButton: function(){

    this.popover = $(this.element).popover({
        placement: "bottom",
        html: true,
        trigger: 'click',
        content: this.popoverContent


popoverContent() was a ajax request to server side. popoverContent()是对服务器端的ajax请求。

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