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蚱Voice语音+ Twilio文字

[英]Grasshopper Voice + Twilio Text

My company is currently using Grasshopper as our voice system for receiving and routing inbound customer support calls. 我公司当前正在使用Grasshopper作为我们的语音系统来接收和路由入站客户支持电话。 It's working pretty well. 运行良好。

Except that it's 2014 and people expect to be able to text issues to our toll free customer support number and get responses. 除了2014年,人们希望能够将问题发送到我们的免费客户支持电话并获得答复。 Grasshopper doesn't support receiving/forwarding SMS. 蚱hopper不支持接收/转发短信。 So I want to use Twilio just for receiving inbound text and Grasshopper for voice on the same number . 因此,我只想将Twilio用于接收入站文本,而Grasshopper则用于在同一号码上发出语音。

It seems like a number has to be registered either with Twilio or Grasshopper and can't be shared. 似乎必须在Twilio或Grasshopper中注册一个号码,并且无法共享。 Does anyone know if this is possible. 有谁知道这是否可能。

The best I came up with is possibly just using the number with Twilio and forwarding voice to Grasshopper. 我想出的最好的办法可能只是使用带有Twilio的号码并将语音转发给Grasshopper。 Not 100% sure if this is possible, but I'd imagine it is. 不能100%确定这是否可行,但我想是可以的。

Twilio evangelist here. Twilio的传播者在这里。

Good news if you are in the US! 好消息,如果你在美国! We just announced support for text messaging on toll free numbers , including a Beta of toll free hosting . 我们刚刚宣布支持免费电话上的短信 ,包括免费托管Beta版 This service allows you to keep your toll free number at its current provider for voice traffic, while you let Twilio handle the text messaging traffic on that same number. 此服务使您可以将免费电话号码保留在其当前的语音流量提供商处,而让Twilio处理该号码上的文本消息流量。 No need to port everything over to Twilio just to add text messaging to your number! 无需将所有内容都移植到Twilio即可向您的号码添加短信!

To start sending SMS messages with your toll-free phone number, use the Messaging REST API with your toll free number set as the 'From' number: 要开始使用您的免费电话号码发送SMS消息,请使用Messaging REST API,并将您的免费电话号码设置为“发件人”号码:

https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/sending-messages https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/sending-messages

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

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