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[英]memory leak from vector

I'm seeing I'm getting a memory leak from my vector I have, I've tried deleting the contents then clearing the vector, erasing the vector as well. 我看到我从我的矢量中得到了内存泄漏,我已经尝试删除内容然后清除矢量,也删除了矢量。 My Crtdb is still informing me of memory leaks, I know it involves the vector because when i comment all vector related things i get no leaks. 我的Crtdb仍在通知我内存泄漏,我知道它涉及向量,因为当我评论所有向量相关的东西时,我没有泄漏。 Here is all my code is doing. 这是我的所有代码都在做。

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <vector>
#include "MyClass.h"

int main(void){
    Obj *a = new Obj();
    std::vector<Obj> vec;

    Obj b = vec[0];

    delete a;
    return 0;


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