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[英]AngularJS append html to dom element

Im working on a small web app, and there is a side menu that has nav links in it. 我正在开发一个小型Web应用程序,并且其中有一个包含导航链接的侧边菜单。 Each link when clicked pulls out a hidden panel and should display a list of items specific to that link. 单击每个链接都会拉出一个隐藏的面板,并应显示该链接特定的项目列表。

I have most of the functionality working except Im stuck on how to append either a templateURL or just html to the panel. 除了Im坚持如何将templateURL或只是html附加到面板之外,我可以使用大多数功能。

Any guidance would be great. 任何指导都会很棒。

heres what I have so far: html 继承人我到目前为止所拥有的:html

<!-- Pullout menu -->
 <nav id="sidebar-pullout">
   <div id="menu-list"></div>

app.js app.js

var configApp = angular.module("configApp", ['ngRoute','ui.bootstrap'])

   $routeProvider..when('/organizations', {
        templateUrl: 'templates/dashboard/organizations/organizations-title.html',
        controller: 'OrganizationController',
        activetab: 'organizations'
      .otherwise( {redirectTo: '/dashboard'} );

// Side Nav Link Controllers
   configApp.controller('OrganizationController', function($scope) {});
   configApp.controller('SideNavCtrl', function($scope, $location) {
  $scope.isActive = function(route) {
    return route === $location.path();

 // adding html to the menu-list
 configApp.directive('menu-list', function(){
  return {
    template: '<span ng-transclude >append som html here</span>',
    replace: true,
    transclude: true,
    controller: 'OrganizationController'

Here is another way you might be able to go about it. 这是您可能能够解决的另一种方法。 By keeping a reference to menu items and contents. 通过保留对菜单项和内容的引用。 You could keep the side panel content in separate HTML files. 您可以将侧面板内容保留在单独的HTML文件中。

configApp.directive('menuList', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'EA',
    link: function(scope, el, attr) {

        var activeId = null;

        scope.showContent = function(id) {
            activeId = id;

        scope.isActive = function(id) {
            return activeId === id;

        scope.menuItems = [{
            id: 'item1',
            name: 'Menu Item 1',
            content: 'path/to/menuItem1content.html'
        }, {
            id: 'item2',
            name: 'Menu Item 2',
            content: 'path/to/menuItem2content.html'

Then in you HTML maybe something like this. 然后在您的HTML中可能是这样的。

<div menuList>
  <nav id="sidebar-menu">
        <li ng-repeat="item in menuItems">
            <a ng-click="showContent(item.id)">{{ item.name }}</a>

  <div id="sidebar-content">
    <div class="content"
         ng-repeat="item in menuItems"

This is just an idea and you could use angular animation to animate the sidebar sliding and stuff. 这只是一个想法,您可以使用角度动画为边栏滑动和填充动画。

You are specifying your ng-transclude directive on the wrong element. 您在错误的元素上指定了ng-transclude指令。 You are placing it on your span tag. 您将其放置在span标签上。 Try something like this instead: 尝试这样的事情:

  <span>/*My template html here*/</span>
  <div ng-transclude></div>

It also looks like you're specifying your directive incorrectly. 看起来您指定的指令不正确。 Try this: 尝试这个:

configApp.directive('menuList', function () {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',    
    replace: true, // note: this syntax will soon be deprecated
    template: '<see above snippet>'

In particular, notice restrict , which specifies how this directive will be used (A: attribute on html element, E: as an element itself, C: as a class). 特别地,请注意restrict ,它指定如何使用此伪指令(html元素上的A:属性,E:作为元素本身,C:作为类)。 Here we are saying we want to use our directive as an element, E . 在这里,我们要说的是要使用指令作为元素E Also, note that I used the name menuList instead of menu-list . 另外,请注意,我使用的名称是menuList而不是menu-list AngularJS uses camel-case in directive definition, and maps the directive names found in the html into their camel case counterparts. AngularJS在指令定义中使用驼峰式大小写,并将在html中找到的指令名称映射到其驼峰式大小写中。 So, in the html we will still use this directive like this: menu-list , but we will declare it using camel-case. 因此,在html中,我们仍将使用以下指令: menu-list ,但将使用camel-case进行声明。 Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

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