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[英]Why isn't my reactJs re-rendering

I'm really tired of model-binding and am trying to get started with React as I really like the whole stateless idea. 我真的厌倦了模型绑定,并试图开始使用React,因为我非常喜欢整个无状态的想法。 I went through the tutorial and it seems straightforward enough. 我仔细阅读了教程,看起来很简单。

However, in my own app I am confused why my component isn't re-rendering on state change. 但是,在我自己的应用程序中,我很困惑为什么我的组件不会重新呈现状态更改。 Here is the entirety of my app in coffeescript ( _ helpers from lodash). 这里是我的应用程序中的CoffeeScript全部( _从lodash佣工)。

mapObject = _.compose _.object, _.map

racers = mapObject ['red', 'blue', 'green'], (name) -> 
    [name, (key: name, class: name, position: 0)]

advance = (character) ->
    racers[character].position += 5;
    console.log character, "position is", racers[character].position
    view.setState racers: racers

R = React.DOM

Racer = React.createClass 
    getInitialState: -> @props
    render: ->
        R.div (className: 'racer '+@state.class, style: (left: @state.position)), ""+@state.position

Racelane = React.createClass render: -> 
    R.li (onClick: _.partial advance, @props.key), Racer @props

Racetrack = React.createClass 
    getInitialState: -> @props
    render: ->
        R.ul (className: 'lanes'), _.map @state.racers, Racelane

view = React.renderComponent (Racetrack racers: racers), (document.querySelector '#racetrack')

Here it is live 这是现场直播

we basically have 3 divs in 3 lanes. 我们在3个车道中基本上有3个div。 As you click on each lane each div is supposed to move across it (the left inline style is adjusted). 当你点击每个车道时,每个div应该在它上面移动(调整左内联样式)。

I define an advance method that modifies my racers object and then calls setState on my view root. 我定义了一个advance方法,它修改我的racers对象,然后在我的视图根上调用setState。 And the position...does not change. 而且这个位置......并没有改变。

I know I'm on the right track, if instead of changing the position I remove or add a racer it works as it should - but it doesn't re-render one level down. 我知道我在正确的轨道上,如果不是改变我移除的位置或添加一个它应该工作的赛车 - 但它不会重新渲染一个级别。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

When you call setState on the root RaceTrack component it will trigger a redraw and pass the new racer positions to the Racer components via props. 当您在根RaceTrack组件上调用setState时,它将触发重绘并通过props将新的racer位置传递给Racer组件。 However, these new positions end up being ignored: When the racers are first created you are storing their initial position in their internal state and you are rendering the Racer components based on this internal state, which never gets updated. 但是,这些新位置最终会被忽略:首次创建赛车时,您将其初始位置存储在其内部状态,并且您将基于此内部状态呈现Racer组件,该状态永远不会更新。

One quick fix is to change the racers to render based on their props instead of state. 一个快速解决方法是根据道具而不是状态更改赛车手。

http://jsbin.com/bilejeyu/1/edit http://jsbin.com/bilejeyu/1/edit

Racer = React.createClass 
    render: ->
        R.div (className: 'racer '+@props.class, style: (left: @props.position)), ""+@props.position

Wrapping up, I think the biggest lesson here is that when working with React, you should try to avoid redundant state. 总结一下,我认为这里最大的教训是,在使用React时,你应该尽量避免冗余状态。 Having the root component be the only one with state and use props for everything one is a common pattern. 让根组件成为唯一一个具有状态并且使用道具的东西,这是一种常见的模式。

I think the easiest way to make sure a component redraws is by changing the key attribute. 我认为确保组件重绘的最简单方法是更改​​键属性。 Any change to the key of a element will force it to redraw entirely. 对元素键的任何更改都将强制它完全重绘。 If you make the key value dependent on the props, that will also solve the problem. 如果你使键值取决于道具,那也将解决问题。

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