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[英]Multiple promises in Node with error handling

How can I avoid nesting-hell with a chain of service calls in Node.js, where I'd like to throw a given error and exit the entire chain in certain instances? 我如何避免在Node.js中发生服务调用链嵌套的问题,在这种情况下我想抛出给定的错误并在某些情况下退出整个链? Here's an example of the chain: 这是链的示例:

  1. Load Mongoose object. 加载猫鼬对象。
  2. If load fails, res.send(404) ; 如果加载失败,则res.send(404) ; if load succeeds, go to the next then() . 如果加载成功,请转到下一个then()
  3. Call 3rd party API to get some data. 调用第三方API以获取一些数据。
  4. If API call fails, send proper response (say the proper status code is 500 just for the sake of this problem) 如果API调用失败,请发送正确的响应(例如,仅出于此问题的原因,正确的状态码为500
  5. If API call succeeds, render the page. 如果API调用成功,则呈现页面。

     SomeMongooseModel.findOne({id:123}).exec() .then(function(response) { // If group is empty, would like to res.send(404) and resolve the // promise immediately. }) .then(function(response) { // Hit 3rd party API to retrieve data. If there's an issue, return // response code of 500 and resolve promise immediately. // Assuming the API call was a success, build out an object and render // the page like so: res.render('some.template', {data: some_data}); }); 

I think this is a decent example of what I'm trying to achieve, but what if we had even more async calls to handle? 我认为这是我要实现的目标的一个很好的例子,但是如果我们要处理更多的异步调用怎么办? How can we exit the chain immediately? 我们如何才能立即退出连锁? I've done a bit of searching and I know that I have a lot more to learn, but I'm not finding the ability to simply exit the chains immediately. 我做了一些搜索,我知道我还有很多东西要学习,但是我没有找到立即退出链的能力。

When faced with this I normally separate everything into functions, which I then pass a reference into the promise. 遇到这种情况时,我通常将所有内容分离为功能,然后将其传递给Promise。 With good names it also benefits the reading: 有了好名字,它也有利于阅读:

function resolveNotFoundIfGroupEmptyOrForwardResponse( response ) { res.send(404) }
function hit3rdPartyApiBasedOnResponse( response ) { 
// throw exception if there is an issue. next step will run the failure state
function render500() { ... }
function renderTemplateWithData( some_data ) { 
   res.render('some.template', {data: some_data});

    .then( resolveNotFoundIfGroupEmptyOrForwardResponse )
    .then( hit3rdPartyApiBasedOnResponse )
    .then( renderTemplateWithData, render500 )

If the function requires an input param that is not comming from the promise chain, then I normally do a function that returns a function. 如果函数需要的输入参数不是来自Promise链的,那么我通常会做一个返回函数的函数。

function doStuffWithParamsCommingFromTwoSides( main_input ) {
   return function( promise_input ) {

then( doStuffWithParamsCommingFromTwoSides( "foobar" ) )

Following Promises/A+ specification, the then steps look like this: 按照Promises / A +规范, then步骤如下所示:

promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress)

Whenever an exception is thrown the next step will run the onRejected . 每当抛出异常时,下一步将运行onRejected Eventually bubbling up to the done which can also be used to catch the exception bubble. 最终冒泡直到done ,也可以用来捕捉异常气泡。

promise.done(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress)

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