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[英]NaN in Javascript string concatenation

Take this array: 拿这个数组:

errors [
    "Your name is required.", 
    "An email address is required."

I am trying to iterate it and create a string like: 我试图迭代它并创建一个字符串,如:

"Your name is required.\nAn email address is required.\n"

Using this code: 使用此代码:

var errors = ["Your name is required.","An email address is required."];

if (errors) {

    var str = '';

    $(errors).each(function(index, error) {
        str =+ error + "\n";

    console.log(str); // NaN


I am getting NaN in the console. 我在控制台中获得了NaN Why is this and how do I fix it? 为什么这样,我该如何解决?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

=+ is not the same as += . =++= First is x = +y and another is x = x + y . 首先是x = +y ,另一个是x = x + y

+x is a shortcut for Number(x) literally converting the variable to number. +xNumber(x)字面上将变量转换为Number(x)的快捷方式。 If the operation can't be performed, NaN is returned. 如果无法执行操作,则返回NaN

+= acts like string concatenation when one of the parts (left or right) has a string type. +=当其中一个部分(左侧或右侧)具有string类型时,它就像字符串连接一样。

The reason you're getting that result is because you are writing =+ instead of += . 你得到这个结果的原因是因为你写的是=+而不是+= It's being treated as: 它被视为:

str = (+error) + "\n";

+error casts error to a number, which would be NaN because it can't be converted, so there you go. +error蒙上error的数量,这将是NaN ,因为它不能被转换,所以你去。

But you could just do errors.join("\\n") instead, much easier! 但你可以做errors.join("\\n")而不是更容易!

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