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[英]How to tackle complex LINQ queries with outer join?

In my database I have roles and users, I also have user roles to tie the 2 together. 在我的数据库中,我具有角色和用户,我也具有用户角色以将2捆绑在一起。

The problem is trying to get all users with their roles (if they have any, which they may not). 问题是试图让所有用户都拥有他们的角色(如果有,则可能没有)。

I use this query: 我使用以下查询:

        return (from ur in db.UserRoles
                join r in db.Roles on ur.RoleID equals r.ID
                group r by ur.UserProfileID into ugr
                join u in db.UserProfiles on ugr.Key equals u.ID
                select new UserModel() {
                    ID = u.ID,
                    Username = u.UserName,
                    IsLockedOut = u.IsLockedOut,
                    LastLoginDate = u.LastLoginDate,
                    UserRoles = (from r in ugr
                                 select new RoleModel() {
                                     Name = r.Name,
                                     ID = r.ID

This works for users who have at least one role, but I also want users who do not have roles. 这适用于至少具有一个角色的用户,但是我也希望没有角色的用户。

I'm currently trying to use http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397895.aspx DefaultIfEmtpy(), but I don't know how and where to place it, meaning however I try my code does not compile. 我目前正在尝试使用http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/bb397895.aspx DefaultIfEmtpy(),但我不知道如何以及在何处放置它,这意味着我尝试了我的代码不编译。

How do I get all my Users, even if they do not have any UserRoles linked to them? 我如何获得我所有的用户,即使他们没有链接到任何UserRoles?

Get the users first and include their roles from then 首先获取用户,然后再包含他们的角色

return db.UserProfiles
         .Include(up => up.UserRoles)
         .Select(u => new UserModel() {
                            ID = u.ID,
                            Username = u.UserName,
                            IsLockedOut = u.IsLockedOut,
                            LastLoginDate = u.LastLoginDate,
                            UserRoles = u.Roles
                                         .Select(r => new RoleModel() {
                                                        Name = r.Name,
                                                        ID = r.ID

Update based on comments 根据评论更新

return db.UserProfiles
         .Include(up => up.UserRoles)
         .Include("UserRoles.Roles") // <-- Added further include
         .Select(u => new UserModel() {
                            ID = u.ID,
                            Username = u.UserName,
                            IsLockedOut = u.IsLockedOut,
                            LastLoginDate = u.LastLoginDate,
                            // Modified this to use joining table
                            UserRoles = u.UserRoles 
                                         .Select(ur => new RoleModel() {
                                                        Name = ur.Role.Name,
                                                        ID = ur.RoleID

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