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[英]How to add a simple drop down in rails for pages

I used will_paginate to paginate, now I want to control how many records in one page. 我使用will_paginate进行分页,现在我想控制一页中有多少条记录。 I do know how to interact data from the select_tag. 我确实知道如何与select_tag进行数据交互。 please tell me how to return the data to @page in controller. 请告诉我如何将数据返回到控制器中的@page。

I used 我用了

<td><%= select_tag "count", "<option>10</option> <option>20</option>".html_safe%></td>

Controller 控制者

def index
  @page = 10;
  @users = User.order(:username).joins(:biography).where("`is_active?` = true AND `last_sign_in_at` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) ").paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => @page)

You can use the params[:count] like this to get the number of records per page based on the value selected in the select_tag 您可以像这样使用params[:count]根据select_tag value selectedvalue selected获取每页的记录数。

def index
  @page = params[:count] #here
  @users = User.order(:username).joins(:biography).where("is_active? = true AND last_sign_in_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) ").paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => @page)

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