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[英]mongodb shows an error when run on command prompt

I am new to mongodb.. I am trying to integrate mongodb to wamp.. I already installed mongodb(for windows 64 bit) and its path is C:\\wamp\\bin\\mongodb when run on command the following command It displays error 我是mongodb的新手。.我正在尝试将mongodb集成到wamp中。.我已经安装了mongodb(用于Windows 64位),并且在命令中运行时其路径为C:\\wamp\\bin\\mongodb ,以下命令显示错误

MongoDB shell version: 2.6.3
connecting to: test
Server has startup warnings:
2014-07-04T15:00:47.944+0530 ** WARNING: --rest is specified without --httpinter
2014-07-04T15:00:47.946+0530 **          enabling http interface

Anybody knows how to solve this problem? 有人知道如何解决这个问题吗?

The startup warning is displayed because you've enabled the simple REST API in your configuration but have not explicitly enabled the required httpinterface (which can be enabled independently for an http status interface without REST). 之所以会显示启动警告,是因为您已在配置中启用了简单的REST API,但未明确启用所需的httpinterface (可以为没有REST的http状态界面单独启用)。

In this case the http interface is implicitly enabled .. but with a warning, in case that wasn't what you intended. 在这种情况下,http接口已隐式启用..但带有警告,以防您不希望这样做。

Note that the REST API is disabled by default in MongoDB 2.6+, and should only be used in development environments as it represents a security risk. 请注意,默认情况下,REST API在MongoDB 2.6+中是禁用的,并且仅在开发环境中使用,因为它存在安全风险。 For more information, see: Security and MongoDB API Interfaces . 有关更多信息,请参阅: 安全性和MongoDB API接口

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