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RCP的多个实例,使用E4将MPerspective / MPart添加到对话框

[英]Multiple Instances of RCP, Adding MPerspective/MPart to a Dialog using E4

I'm trying to achieve a couple of functionalities for my e4 rcp. 我正在尝试为e4 rcp实现几个功能。

  1. Create multiple instances of rcp, using a menu option in the rcp; 使用rcp中的菜单选项创建多个rcp实例;

    Eg: In eclipse IDE there is a menu option to achieve this, Window -> New Window , creates another instance of the existing IDE. 例如:在eclipse IDE中,有一个菜单选项可以实现此目的, Window -> New Window ,创建现有IDE的另一个实例。 I'm trying to achieve similar functionality for my rcp using e4. 我正在尝试使用e4为我的rcp实现类似的功能。

  2. Adding a perspective( MPartStack / MPart ) to a dialog UI. 将透视图( MPartStack / MPart )添加到对话框UI。 Is it possible to add a perspective to a Dialog ( I could make a dialog as a modal, using SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL , but I'm not sure if we can add / how to add a Mperspective , MPart , MPartStack to a dialog ) 是否可以向对话框中添加透视图(我可以使用SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL将对话框作为模式对话框,但不确定是否可以向对话框中添加/如何添加MperspectiveMPartMPartStack

Can you please give me some pointers on how to achieve these functionalities? 您能否给我一些有关如何实现这些功能的指示?

对于新窗口,请查看EModelService cloneElementcloneSnippet方法,以复制现有的UI元素或从应用程序模型创建预定义代码段的新副本。

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