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[英]Writing to xml from C#

I have a question about writing to xml with C#. 我有一个关于使用C#编写xml的问题。 I want this kind of structure; 我想要这种结构;


I tried so much but could not obtain what I want. 我做了很多尝试,但无法获得想要的东西。 Can you give an advice, how can i do that? 您能给我个建议吗?

this is my code 这是我的代码

        XElement element = new XElement("DIRECTORY_MOVE");

        foreach (string sourceDirName in listArray)
            element.Add(new XElement("SOURCE_PATH", sourceDirName));

        element.Add(new XElement("DESTINATION_PATH", destination));

        if (rdbtnDoLater)
            element.Add(new XElement("RDBTNDOLATER", "checked"));

        if (rdbtnDoImmediately)
            element.Add(new XElement("RDBTNDOIMMEDIATELY", "checked"));

        if (chkIsOverwrite)
            element.Add(new XElement("CHKISOVERWRİTE", "checked"));

        if (chkExitWhenFinish)
            element.Add(new XElement("CHKEXITWHENFINISH", "checked"));

        if (chkFolderQuestion)
            element.Add(new XElement("CHKFOLDERQUESTION", "checked"));

Using Linq to XML 使用Linq到XML

XElement example =
    new XElement("directory_move",
        new XElement("folder_path",
            new XElement("source_path", "..."),
            new XElement("source_path", "...")
        new XElement("properties",
            new XElement("aaabbcc", ...)


Edit: The issue with your code is that you're adding everything to the root element, so everything will be children of this root. 编辑:代码的问题是您要将所有内容添加到根元素,因此所有内容都是该根的子级。

What you need to do is reproduce the hierarchy, as I did in my example. 正如我在示例中所做的那样,您需要做的是重现层次结构。

XElement root = new XElement("DIRECTORY_MOVE");
XElement folderPath = new XElement("folder_path");


foreach (string sourceDirName in listArray)
     folderPath.Add(new XElement("SOURCE_PATH", sourceDirName));

and so on... 等等...

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