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[英]How to fire a jquery function onchange from an html element in highchart event on click?

Highchart container 高图容器

              /// code goes here

                series: {
                    cursor: 'pointer',
                    point: {
                        events: {
                            click: function() {
                                 if(this.series.name=="Positive") {
                                        //do nothing
                                            '<tr><td><b>Sentiment</b></td><td><b>News</b></td><td><b>Date</b></td><td><b>News Courtesy</b></td><td><b>User Opinion</b></td></tr>' +
                                            <%   for(int tempTitle=0;tempTitle<1;tempTitle++){%>
                                            '<tr><td>'+this.series.name+'</td><td><a href='+"<%=posTitle.get(tempTitle)%>"+' target = "_blank">'+"<%=posNews.get(tempTitle)%>"+'</a></td><td>'+"<%=posDate.get(tempTitle)%>"+'</td><td>iproperty.com.sg</td><td>***<select class="check" id="op1" >***<option value="0.5" selected="selected">Positive</option><option value="1">Very Positive</option><option value="0">Neutral</option><option value="-0.5">Negative</option><option value="-1">Very Negative</option></select></td></tr>'+

So when I try to fire the above onchange select within $report.html() . 因此,当我尝试触发上述onchange时,请在$ report.html()中进行选择。 It is not calling the below function. 它没有调用下面的函数。 so the function is this: 所以功能是这样的:

$(document).ready(function() {
        $('.check').on('change',function ()
        {   alert(this);
                type: "post",
                url: "mainPageForOpinion.jsp", //this is my servlet
                data: {
                    output: $(this).val()
                success: function(){

Can someone help me! 有人能帮我吗! Thanks 谢谢

As you are creating select tag with class=check dynamically, you need to bind change event using document object. 在动态创建带有class=check select标签时,需要使用文档对象绑定更改事件。 See below jQuery : 见下面的jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
        $(document).on('change','.check',function ()// bind change event using document object
        {   alert(this);
                type: "post",
                url: "mainPageForOpinion.jsp", //this is my servlet
                data: {
                    output: $(this).val()
                success: function(){

只需在$report.html(...) $(".check").change()之后调用$(".check").change() -确保在DOM中创建新元素后调用该更改。

Problem was the script should be inside the $report.html() to fire the event as the $report.html() is loaded over onclick event. 问题在于脚本应该在$ report.html()内以触发事件,因为$ report.html()是通过onclick事件加载的。

fiddle: jsfiddle.net/H32qN/4 小提琴:jsfiddle.net/H32qN/4

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