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从Spotify iOS SDK 3.0中的多个播放列表创建曲目阵列

[英]Creating an array of tracks from multiple playlists in Spotify iOS SDK 3.0

I was able to do this with CocoaLibSpotify, but I can't figure out how it should be done in the new Spotify iOS SDK. 我可以使用CocoaLibSpotify做到这一点,但是我不知道应该如何在新的Spotify iOS SDK中完成它。

I'm trying to create an array of tracks from multiple playlists that I load in via their URIs. 我正在尝试通过我通过其URI加载的多个播放列表创建曲目阵列。 The goal here is to be able to play, at random, tracks from across a set of playlists. 这里的目标是能够随机播放一组播放列表中的曲目。

I've been able to load in a playlist from its URI, it's represented as an SPPlaylistSnapshot. 我已经能够从其URI加载播放列表,它表示为SPPlaylistSnapshot。 There doesn't seem to be a way to get the individual tracks from this SPPlaylistSnapshot so I can create a pool that I can add to and draw from. 似乎没有办法从此SPPlaylistSnapshot中获取单个曲目,因此我可以创建一个可以添加到其中或从中绘制的池。

Does anyone know a way to do this? 有人知道这样做的方法吗?

SPTPlaylistSnapshot has firstTrackPage property, which contains the first x tracks, where x is a number I can't remember. SPTPlaylistSnapshot具有firstTrackPage属性,其中包含前x条轨道,其中x是我不记得的数字。 With that first page, you can request additional pages until you have all the tracks. 在第一页中,您可以请求其他页面,直到拥有所有曲目为止。

See the documentation for SPTPlaylistSnapshot and SPTListPage for details. 有关详细信息,请参见SPTPlaylistSnapshotSPTListPage的文档。

After authentication, define a playlist request , like this: 验证之后,定义一个播放列表请求,如下所示:

let playListRequest = try! SPTPlaylistList.createRequestForGettingPlaylists(forUser: userName, withAccessToken: token)

I use alamofire to post this request: 我使用alamofire发布此请求:

        .response { response in

            let list = try! SPTPlaylistList(from: response.data, with: response.response)

            for playList in list.items  {
                if let playlist = playList as? SPTPartialPlaylist {
                    print( playlist.name ) // playlist name
                    print( playlist.uri)    // playlist uri

                    let stringFromUrl =  playlist.uri.absoluteString
                    let uri = URL(string: stringFromUrl)
                    // use SPTPlaylistSnapshot to get all the playlists
                    SPTPlaylistSnapshot.playlist(withURI: uri, accessToken: token!) { (error, snap) in
                        if let s = snap as? SPTPlaylistSnapshot {
                            // get the tracks for each playlist

                            for track in s.firstTrackPage.items {
                                if let thistrack = track as? SPTPlaylistTrack {




Basically what everyone's saying is correct, use SPTPlaylistSnapshot to get the tracks for the playlist, here's my code for getting all the items in a playlist in Swift 3. 基本上每个人的说法都是正确的,请使用SPTPlaylistSnapshot获取播放列表的曲目,这是我的代码,用于在Swift 3中获取播放列表中的所有项目。

func getTracksFrom(page:SPTListPage, allItems:[SPTPlaylistTrack]) -> [SPTPlaylistTrack] {
    guard let items = page.items as? [SPTPlaylistTrack] else {print("empty page");return allItems}
    var allTracks = allItems
    allTracks.append(contentsOf: items)

    var nextPage = SPTListPage()

    if page.hasNextPage {
        page.requestNextPage(withAccessToken: (SPTAuth.defaultInstance().session.accessToken)!) { (error, data) in
            guard let p = data as? SPTListPage else {return}
            nextPage = p

        return getTracksFrom(page:nextPage,allItems:allTracks)
    return allTracks

func getAllTracksFrom(_ playlist:SPTPlaylistSnapshot) -> [SPTPlaylistTrack]  {
    var allTracks:[SPTPlaylistTrack] = []
    allTracks = getTracksFrom(page: playlist.firstTrackPage, allItems: allTracks)
    return allTracks

override func viewDidLoad() {
    guard let p = playlist else {return}
    SPTPlaylistSnapshot.playlist(withURI: p.uri, accessToken: (SPTAuth.defaultInstance().session.accessToken)!, callback: { (error, dataOrNil) in
        guard error == nil else {print(error!);return}
        guard let playlistSnapshot = dataOrNil as? SPTPlaylistSnapshot else {print("couldn't cast as SPTPlaylistSnapshot");return}
        self.tracks = self.getAllTracksFrom(playlistSnapshot)

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