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使用Play Framework 2.2.3和IntelliJ 13.1时自动完成

[英]Auto complete when using Play Framework 2.2.3 and IntelliJ 13.1

I'm having problems with auto-completion when using Play Framework 2.2.3 and IntelliJ. 使用Play Framework 2.2.3和IntelliJ时,我会遇到自动补全的问题。

I tried to import the jar play_2.10.jar to classpath, but it didn't work. 我尝试将jar play_2.10.jar导入类路径,但是没有用。

These are the kind of error I'm facing: When I use import play.data.validation.Constraints IntelliJ complains about "Cannot resolve symbol 'data'". 这些是我面临的错误类型:当我使用import play.data.validation.Constraints时,IntelliJ会抱怨“无法解析符号'data'”。

When I use return redirect(routes.Application.solucoes()) IntelliJ complains about "Cannot resolve symbol 'routes'". 当我使用return redirect(routes.Application.solucoes())时,IntelliJ抱怨“无法解析符号'routes'”。

If you already did "play idea" (to let play initialize the correct project structure etc. for IntelliJ IDEA), you might want to add some directories to the module settings. 如果您已经做过“播放创意”(让播放为IntelliJ IDEA初始化正确的项目结构等),则可能需要向模块设置中添加一些目录。

See the following post, it helped me a lot, getting rid of the "Cannot resolve symbol" issues in IntelliJ: Intellij IDEA can not resolve symbol with Play framework 请参阅以下帖子,它对我很有帮助 ,摆脱了IntelliJ中的“无法解析符号”问题: Intellij IDEA无法使用Play框架解析符号

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