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如何在 Alembic 升级脚本中执行插入和更新?

[英]How do I execute inserts and updates in an Alembic upgrade script?

I need to alter data during an Alembic upgrade.我需要在 Alembic 升级期间更改数据。

I currently have a 'players' table in a first revision:我目前在第一次修订中有一个“玩家”表:

def upgrade():
        sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
        sa.Column('name', sa.Unicode(length=200), nullable=False),
        sa.Column('position', sa.Unicode(length=200), nullable=True),
        sa.Column('team', sa.Unicode(length=100), nullable=True)

I want to introduce a 'teams' table.我想介绍一个“团队”表。 I've created a second revision:我创建了第二个修订版:

def upgrade():
        sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
        sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=80), nullable=False)
    op.add_column('players', sa.Column('team_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False))

I would like the second migration to also add the following data:我希望第二次迁移也添加以下数据:

  1. Populate teams table:填充团队表:

     INSERT INTO teams (name) SELECT DISTINCT team FROM players;
  2. Update players.team_id based on players.team name:根据players.team 名称更新players.team_id:

     UPDATE players AS p JOIN teams AS t SET p.team_id = t.id WHERE p.team = t.name;

How do I execute inserts and updates inside the upgrade script?如何在升级脚本中执行插入和更新?

What you are asking for is a data migration , as opposed to the schema migration that is most prevalent in the Alembic docs.您要求的是数据迁移,而不是 Alembic 文档中最流行的架构迁移

This answer assumes you are using declarative (as opposed to class-Mapper-Table or core) to define your models.此答案假设您使用声明式(而不是 class-Mapper-Table 或核心)来定义模型。 It should be relatively straightforward to adapt this to the other forms.将其调整为其他形式应该相对简单。

Note that Alembic provides some basic data functions: op.bulk_insert() and op.execute() .请注意,Alembic 提供了一些基本的数据函数: op.bulk_insert()op.execute() If the operations are fairly minimal, use those.如果操作相当少,请使用它们。 If the migration requires relationships or other complex interactions, I prefer to use the full power of models and sessions as described below.如果迁移需要关系或其他复杂的交互,我更喜欢使用模型和会话的全部功能,如下所述。

The following is an example migration script that sets up some declarative models that will be used to manipulate data in a session.以下是一个示例迁移脚本,它设置了一些声明性模型,这些模型将用于在会话中操作数据。 The key points are:关键点是:

  1. Define the basic models you need, with the columns you'll need.定义您需要的基本模型,以及您需要的列。 You don't need every column, just the primary key and the ones you'll be using.您不需要每一列,只需要主键和您将使用的那些。

  2. Within the upgrade function, use op.get_bind() to get the current connection, and make a session with it.在升级函数中,使用op.get_bind()获取当前连接,并与之建立会话。

    • Or use bind.execute() to use SQLAlchemy's lower level to write SQL queries directly.或者使用bind.execute()直接使用SQLAlchemy 的低层来编写SQL 查询。 This is useful for simple migrations.这对于简单的迁移很有用。
  3. Use the models and session as you normally would in your application.像往常一样在应用程序中使用模型和会话。

"""create teams table

Revision ID: 169ad57156f0
Revises: 29b4c2bfce6d
Create Date: 2014-06-25 09:00:06.784170

revision = '169ad57156f0'
down_revision = '29b4c2bfce6d'

from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class Player(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'players'

    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = sa.Column(sa.String, nullable=False)
    team_name = sa.Column('team', sa.String, nullable=False)
    team_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('teams.id'), nullable=False)

    team = orm.relationship('Team', backref='players')

class Team(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'teams'

    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = sa.Column(sa.String, nullable=False, unique=True)

def upgrade():
    bind = op.get_bind()
    session = orm.Session(bind=bind)

    # create the teams table and the players.team_id column
    op.add_column('players', sa.Column('team_id', sa.ForeignKey('teams.id'), nullable=False)

    # create teams for each team name
    teams = {name: Team(name=name) for name in session.query(Player.team).distinct()}

    # set player team based on team name
    for player in session.query(Player):
        player.team = teams[player.team_name]


    # don't need team name now that team relationship is set
    op.drop_column('players', 'team')

def downgrade():
    bind = op.get_bind()
    session = orm.Session(bind=bind)

    # re-add the players.team column
    op.add_column('players', sa.Column('team', sa.String, nullable=False)

    # set players.team based on team relationship
    for player in session.query(Player):
        player.team_name = player.team.name


    op.drop_column('players', 'team_id')

The migration defines separate models because the models in your code represent the current state of the database, while the migrations represent steps along the way .迁移定义了单独的模型,因为代码中的模型表示数据库的当前状态,而迁移表示沿途的步骤 Your database might be in any state along that path, so the models might not sync up with the database yet.您的数据库可能处于该路径上的任何状态,因此模型可能尚未与数据库同步。 Unless you're very careful, using the real models directly will cause problems with missing columns, invalid data, etc. It's clearer to explicitly state exactly what columns and models you will use in the migration.除非您非常小心,否则直接使用真实模型会导致丢失列、无效数据等问题。明确说明您将在迁移中使用的列和模型会更清楚。

You can also use direct SQL see ( Alembic Operation Reference ) as in the following example:您还可以使用直接 SQL 参见( Alembic 操作参考),如下例所示:

from alembic import op

# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '1ce7873ac4ced2'
down_revision = '1cea0ac4ced2'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None

def upgrade():
    # ### commands made by andrew ###
    # ### end Alembic commands ###

def downgrade():
    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    # ### end Alembic commands ###

I recommend using SQLAlchemy core statements using an ad-hoc table, as detailed in the official documentation , because it allows the use of agnostic SQL and pythonic writing and is also self-contained.我建议使用使用临时表的 SQLAlchemy 核心语句, 如官方文档中所述,因为它允许使用不可知的 SQL 和 pythonic 编写,并且也是自包含的。 SQLAlchemy Core is the best of both worlds for migration scripts. SQLAlchemy Core 是迁移脚本两全其美的。

Here is an example of the concept:下面是这个概念的一个例子:

from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
from sqlalchemy import String
from alembic import op

account = table('account',
    column('name', String)
    where(account.c.name==op.inline_literal('account 1')).\\
        values({'name':op.inline_literal('account 2')})

# If insert is required
from sqlalchemy.sql import insert
from sqlalchemy import orm

session = orm.Session(bind=bind)
bind = op.get_bind()

data = {
    "name": "John",
ret = session.execute(insert(account).values(data))
# for use in other insert calls
account_id = ret.lastrowid

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