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[英]Can remote powershell start this process?

I'm trying to start a dogecoin miner process on my machine over SSH. 我正在尝试通过SSH在我的机器上启动狗狗币矿工进程。 It won't start because it can't connect to the CUDA drivers because SSH doesn't seem to load them for the session. 它无法启动,因为它无法连接到CUDA驱动程序,因为SSH似乎没有为会话加载它们。 I asked a question on SuperUser where somebody mentioned using Powershell to remotely connect and start the process in hopes that it'll start under the right "context" to access the CUDA drivers. 我在SuperUser问了一个问题 ,有人提到使用Powershell远程连接并启动该过程,希望它会在正确的“上下文”下启动以访问CUDA驱动程序。

I've always been a little leery about allowing Powershell to run remotely on my machine, especially if it'd be accessible from over the internet. 对于允许Powershell在我的机器上远程运行,我一直持谨慎态度,尤其是可以通过Internet访问它时。 Can Powershell do this and what security concerns might there be for allowing remote Powershell to run? Powershell可以做到这一点吗?允许远程Powershell运行会带来什么安全隐患?

I don't expect using PowerShell will help you access the CUDA drivers either. 我不希望使用PowerShell也可以帮助您访问CUDA驱动程序。 I think the core issue is that the remote endpoint is running as a service and is not allocated a desktop on the remote machine. 我认为核心问题是远程端点作为服务运行,并且未在远程计算机上分配桌面。 If there's no desktop, there's no GUI; 如果没有桌面,就没有GUI。 no gui, no CUDA. 没有gui,没有CUDA。

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