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Phonegap 3.5-IOS 7.1+-键盘按键

[英]Phonegap 3.5 - IOS 7.1+ - Keyboard Push

When building and running on ios 7.1+ emulator, when I focus on an input field, the keyboard pushes up the webview, resulting in my header being pushed off-screen. 在ios 7.1+模拟器上构建并运行时,当我专注于输入字段时,键盘将推上Webview,导致我的标题被推离屏幕。 I would like the header to remain fixed. 我希望标题保持不变。

I am using jQuery mobile for the UI template-ing. 我将jQuery mobile用于UI模板。

Is there any workaround or standard approach to solving this issue? 是否有解决方法或标准方法来解决此问题? Also can someone explain why this is happening? 也有人可以解释为什么会这样吗?

I have spent some time looking into this and found the following two related StackOverflow questions, however the solutions did not help me solve the problem. 我花了一些时间对此进行了调查,发现了以下两个与StackOverflow相关的问题,但是解决方案并没有帮助我解决问题。

  1. First Related Link 第一个相关链接
  2. Second Related Link 第二相关链接

I also tried setting the jquery mobile 'data-position="fixed"' attribute to the header but that did not work either. 我也尝试将jquery mobile'data-position =“ fixed”'属性设置为标头,但这也不起作用。

Thanks! 谢谢!

I have tried this and my headers are in position: 我已经尝试过了,并且标题都在适当的位置:

<div data-theme="a" data-role="header" data-position="fixed" data-tap-toggle="false">

Add the data-tap-toggle="false" part let me know if it works. 添加data-tap-toggle="false"部分让我知道它是否有效。

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