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Amazon Elastic Beanstalk TV实例启动失败

[英]Amazon Elastic Beanstalk TV instance start fails

I have an identity TVM on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk that when I try to start it gives 我在Amazon Elastic Beanstalk上有一个身份TVM,当我尝试启动它时,

014-07-07 15:29:46 UTC+0100 ERROR Stack named 'awseb-e-ybrpewdr7z-stack' aborted operation. 014-07-07 15:29:46 UTC + 0100错误名为“ awseb-e-ybrpewdr7z-stack”的堆栈中止了操作。 Current state: 'CREATE_FAILED' Reason: The following resource(s) failed to create: AWSEBInstanceLaunchWaitCondition. 当前状态:“ CREATE_FAILED”原因:无法创建以下资源:AWSEBInstanceLaunchWaitCondition。 (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: OperationError; Request ID: null) (服务:AmazonCloudFormation;状态代码:400;错误代码:OperationError;请求ID:null)

Now If I go to logs and click snapshot logs all that happens is it waits for a while showing processing but then I get no logs showing up. 现在,如果我转到日志并单击快照日志,则所有发生的事情都是等待一会儿显示处理过程,但随后却没有显示任何日志。 Does anyone please have an idea what the problem is so I can see either the logs and/or sort the startup problem? 是否有人知道问题出在哪里,以便我可以查看日志和/或对启动问题进行排序?

This was security issue. 这是安全问题。

Amazon ECB uses a VPC, now that may already be running especially if a RDB has been created first. Amazon ECB现在使用VPC,该VPC可能已经在运行,特别是如果首先创建了RDB。 Now the groups on the EB instance can show acces rights reuired. 现在,EB实例上的组可以显示需要的访问权限。 But the VPC has an underlying security ACL that is not group based. 但是VPC具有不基于组的基础安全ACL。 When a RDB is created first that initially created the VPC the VPC instance gets the rights just to access the DB, so will not allow for example HTTP traffic through this cannot get to the EB to set it up. 当首先创建最初创建VPC的RDB时,VPC实例仅获得访问DB的权限,因此将不允许HTTP流量通过它无法到达EB进行设置。

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