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[英]Using Swift closure with Objective-C framework

I am using the MCSwipeTableViewCell framework for swipe-able tableviewcells. 我正在使用MCSwipeTableViewCell框架进行可滑动的tableviewcells。 One of the completion blocks inside a cellForRowAtIndexPath function looks like this: cellForRowAtIndexPath函数中的一个完成块如下所示:

[cell setSwipeGestureWithView:checkView color:greenColor mode:MCSwipeTableViewCellModeSwitch state:MCSwipeTableViewCellState1 completionBlock:^(MCSwipeTableViewCell *cell, MCSwipeTableViewCellState state, MCSwipeTableViewCellMode mode) {
      // run some function call

I used a Bridging-Header file to import the framework into my Swift project and am attempting to use that same completion block in Swift. 我使用Bridging-Header文件将框架导入我的Swift项目,并尝试在Swift中使用相同的完成块。 This is what I have: 这就是我所拥有的:

cell.setSwipeGestureWithView(crossView, color: UIColor.colorFromRGB(RED), mode: MCSwipeTableViewCellMode.Switch, state:MCSwipeTableViewCellState.State1, completionBlock: { (cell: MCSwipeTableViewCell!, state: MCSwipeTableViewCellState!, mode: MCSwipeTableViewCellMode!) -> Void in

The problem is, it crashes everytime I run self.runSomeFunction() even though the function call is implemented. 问题是,即使实现了函数调用,每次运行self.runSomeFunction()它都会崩溃。 The error is 错误是

unrecognized selector 无法识别的选择器

sent to instance 0x165c7390
2014-07-07 16:23:14.809 pong[3950:60b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSArrayM runSomeFunction]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x165c7390'

I know the completion block works because I can NSLog from it and it displays something, but attempting to access self always results in a crash. 我知道完成块工作,因为我可以从它上面显示NSLog并显示一些内容,但是尝试访问self总是会导致崩溃。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? Should I not be trying to access self? 我不应该试图访问自己吗?

=== Update === ===更新===

Mainly what I'm trying to figure out is how to access self within a Swift closure. 主要是我想弄清楚的是如何在Swift闭包中访问self It keeps throwing a bad access error. 它不断抛出错误的访问错误。

Here is the code that is running 这是正在运行的代码

 func tableView(tableView: UITableView!, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> UITableViewCell!
    var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("userCell") as MCSwipeTableViewCell!

    if !cell {
        cell = MCSwipeTableViewCell(style: UITableViewCellStyle.Value1, reuseIdentifier: "userCell")
    cell.setSwipeGestureWithView(crossView, color: UIColor.colorFromRGB(RED), mode: MCSwipeTableViewCellMode.Switch, state:MCSwipeTableViewCellState.State1, completionBlock: { (cell: MCSwipeTableViewCell!, state: MCSwipeTableViewCellState!, mode: MCSwipeTableViewCellMode!) -> Void in
    return cell

 func runSomething()
    NSLog("hey there");

You can define a Capture List to use self inside a Closure like this: 您可以定义捕获列表以在Closure中使用self如下所示:

cell.setSwipeGestureWithView(crossView, color: UIColor.colorFromRGB(RED), mode: MCSwipeTableViewCellMode.Switch, state:MCSwipeTableViewCellState.State1) {
    [unowned self]
    cell, state, mode in

Currently [unowned self] may crash sometimes so for the time being use [weak self] and inside your closure unwrap self like: self!.doSomething() . 目前[unowned self]有时会崩溃所以暂时使用[weak self]并在你的封闭内部解开self如: self!.doSomething()

First you need to weakify self by: [weak self] . 首先,你需要通过以下方式削弱self[weak self] And after it inside block try to check if self is not nil : 在内部块之后尝试检查self是否nil

if let weakSelf = self {
   // do whatever you want with the self

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