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使用jquery获取多个元素的属性值。 然后用它们

[英]Using jquery to get attribute value for multiple elements. Then use them

I have the following HTML: 我有以下HTML:

  <span class="thumbnav" id="?"><?php get_the_image(); ?></span>
  <span class="thumbnav" id="?"><?php get_the_image(); ?></span>

  <div class="?" style="display:none;">
       Some image, and a bit of text are staring at you.

  <div class="?" style="display:none;">
       Some image, and a bit of text are staring at you.

My goal is to use jQuery to find the ID value for every < span >, then use that ID to set a .click() event that will trigger a . 我的目标是使用jQuery为每个< span >查找ID值,然后使用该ID设置将触发的.click()事件。 show() function on the < div > elements. 在< div >元素上使用show()函数。

So far I have this: 到目前为止,我有这个:

var clasid = $(".thumbnav").attr("id");

 $("#" + clasid).click(function () {
 $("." + clasid).show();

Which works, but only for the first < span >. 哪个有效,但仅适用于第一个< span >。

So I was wondering if there is a way to make this script work for all the spans, I read the jQuery documentation and they suggest using either .map() or .each() , but I haven't been able to figure it out. 所以我想知道是否有一种方法可以使此脚本适用于所有范围,我阅读了jQuery文档,他们建议使用.map().each() ,但我一直无法弄清楚。

Also it would be great if anyone could give me a hint on how to hide a < div > that was active when a new < div > is being displayed. 如果有人能给我一个关于如何隐藏显示新的< div >时激活的< div >的提示,那也很好。

Thanks! 谢谢!

you can write class event and dynamically access that element id: 您可以编写类事件并动态访问该元素ID:


$("." + this.id).show(); // this.id will give you clicked element id



You can simply bind them using: 您可以使用以下方法简单地绑定它们:

$(".thumbnav").click(function () {


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