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[英]Rethrow Exception and Catch Again

I am using C# and wondered if it was possible to rethrow an exception from a try/catch and have a later catch statement recatch it? 我正在使用C#,想知道是否有可能从try/catch抛出异常并让以后的catch语句重新catch它吗?

try {
// 1. Try some operation
    //Failed operations

// 2. Throw an exception
    throw new IOException("I tried my best");
} catch(IOException) {
// 3. Try some specific recovery operation
    //Failed operations

//4. Rethrow and try again

... Some more specific exception handlers

} catch(Exception) {
// 5. Re-caught here as a last-ditch effort, generic recovery operation
    //Process here
} finally {

Only if your catch statement throws to another try/catch, for example: 仅当您的catch语句抛出另一个try / catch时,例如:



   catch(ExceptionA a)
   catch(Exception e)
       //will not not catch ExceptionA (rethrow or not)
catch(ExceptionA a)
    //this would catch the re-throw
catch( Exception e)

Instead why don't you catch the general Exception and then case the exception types? 相反,为什么不捕获一般的Exception ,然后区分异常类型呢?

   catch(Exception e)
       if (e is ExceptionA){

Or put logic on the finally 或者把逻辑放在finally

 System.Exception thrownException = null;
   catch( ExceptionA a)
      thrownException = a;
      ...  // do special handling...
   catch( ExceptionB b)
      thrownException = b;
      ...  // do special handling...
   catch(Exception e)
     if ( thrownException != null ) {
          ...   //case the type here or use some other way to identify..

Your code should work, however the real problem is that exceptions should be used to inform outer code parts about the fact, that something went wrong. 您的代码应该可以工作,但是真正的问题是应该使用异常来通知外部代码部分有关这一事实的信息,即出了问题。 Throwing MANUALLY an exception in the try section and catching it in the following catch section is pointless. 在try部分中手动抛出异常并在随后的catch部分中捕获它是毫无意义的。 If you know you can't process some IO operation, handle it right away with an if-else statement. 如果您知道无法处理某些IO操作,请使用if-else语句立即进行处理。 Using try-catch for that is without a doubt a bad, inefficient practice. 为此,使用try-catch无疑是一种不好的,无效的做法。

Not sure (because of variables scope, because c# is not the language I'm now using, and because of possible side effects due to the new added variable, and because it does not look to be a good coding practice ), but would that work: 不确定(由于变量范围,因为c#不是我现在正在使用的语言,并且由于新添加的变量可能会产生副作用,并且因为它看起来并不是一种良好的编码习惯 ),但是那会不会工作:

catch(ExceptionA a)
   exception = a;  // "Store" the exception in a variable
catch(Exception e)
    //will not not catch ExceptionA (rethrow or not)

    if (exception)
        throw exception;  // kind of rethrow if variable is set
catch(ExceptionA a)
    //this would catch the re-throw
catch( Exception e)

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