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[英]Highcharts shared tooltip between charts with multiple series and shared tooltip

I'm trying to set shared tooltip between charts. 我正在尝试设置图表之间的共享工具提示。 It works nice only if tooltip doesn't have shared: true , if I set shared: true I get error: 仅当工具提示未shared: true时才有效shared: true ,如果我设置了shared: true ,则会出现错误:

TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'a[0].category') highcharts.js:3259

I prepared example: http://jsfiddle.net/CAKQH/24408/ 我准备了示例: http : //jsfiddle.net/CAKQH/24408/

If you move cursor on first chart - it works nice, also if you comment shared: true it works, but if you move cursor on second chart you'll get an error. 如果将光标移到第一张图表上-很好用,也可以在注释shared: true可以,但是如果将光标移到第二张图表上,则会出现错误。

Did someone faced this error? 有人遇到这个错误了吗? Help me to solve it, please. 请帮我解决。

The problem occurs because you have shared: true on one chart, while having it default (false) on the other. 发生此问题的原因是您shared: true在一张图表上为shared: true ,而在另一图表上为默认(false)。 This is a problem because the tooltip.refresh method will take different paths and use the input differently based the chart having shared set to true or false. 这是一个问题,因为tooltip.refresh方法将采用不同的路径,并根据共享设置为true或false的图表使用不同的输入。

You can find this branching in the source code on line 8806, for the tooltip.refresh method: 您可以在源代码的 8806行中找到有关tooltip.refresh方法的tooltip.refresh

// shared tooltip, array is sent over
if (shared && !(point.series && point.series.noSharedTooltip)) {
// single point tooltip
else {

You can handle this by doing a branching inside your syncTooltip method to handle the different cases like this ( example JFiddle ): 您可以通过在syncTooltip方法内进行分支来处理这种情况( 例如JFiddle )来解决此问题:

function syncTooltip(container, p) {
    var i = 0;
    for (; i < charts.length; i++) {
        if (container.id != charts[i].container.id) {
            if(charts[i].tooltip.shared) {
            else {

This way you can freely set shared to true or false on both charts. 这样,您可以在两个图表上自由地将shared设置为true或false。

Unfortunately your plotOptions.series.point.events.mouseOver -event doesn't capture points that are "selected" through the shared: true functionality, so you will have to find an alternate event to properly capture this situation. 不幸的是,您的plotOptions.series.point.events.mouseOver -event不能捕获通过shared: true功能“选择”的点,因此您将不得不找到一个替代事件来正确捕获这种情况。

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