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[英]Is there an easier way to do a macro to define a function with variable amount of arguments?

I have a macro that defines a function with a variable amount of arguments, the macro has some logic to decide which real function must be called. 我有一个宏,该宏定义了具有可变数量参数的函数,该宏具有确定必须调用哪个实函数的逻辑。 My current approach is the following: 我当前的方法如下:

#define FUNC(ret,args,args_call) \
    ret my_func(args) { \
        if( something ) other_func(args_call);\
        return one_func(args_call);\
#define PARAM(...) __VA_ARGS__

I use it like that: 我这样使用它:

class AClass : public AInterface {
    FUNC(int,PARAM(int a, int b),PARAM(a,b))

I was wondering if there is a better way to do that. 我想知道是否有更好的方法可以做到这一点。

Note: The declared ( my_func in my example) function will be used to reimplement a method from the super class, so the approaches using templates (the ones that I am aware of) will not solve my problem. 注意:声明的函数(在我的示例中为my_func )将用于重新实现超类中的方法,因此使用模板的方法(我知道的方法)将无法解决我的问题。

Edit2: Even using a proper variadic templated function, I still need the macro to declare the function because it overrides a function in the superclass. Edit2:即使使用适当的可变参数模板化函数,我仍然需要宏来声明该函数,因为它会覆盖超类中的函数。

#define FUNC(ret,args,args_call) \
ret my_func(args) { \
    return proper_variadic_templated_function<ret>(args_call);\

If we use the EVAL , helper, and Conditional macros from the first two code blocks here . 如果我们在这里使用前两个代码块中的EVAL ,helper和Conditional宏。 We can create some recursive macros to parse the parameter array. 我们可以创建一些递归宏来解析参数数组。

As the comma is syntactic we will need to escape it for outputting. 由于逗号是句法,我们将需要对其进行转义以进行输出。

#define COMMA() ,

We can generate two functions to separate the types from the names. 我们可以生成两个函数来将类型与名称分开。

#define I_WT_R() I_WT
#define I_WT(t,v,n,...) \
    t v IS_DONE(n)(      \
        EAT               \
    ,                      \
       OBSTRUCT(COMMA)()    \
       OBSTRUCT(I_WT_R)()    \
#define WithTypes(...) I_WT(__VA_ARGS__,DONE)

And. 和。

#define I_WoT_R() I_WoT
#define I_WoT(t,v,n,...) \
    v IS_DONE(n)(         \
        EAT                \
    ,                       \
        OBSTRUCT(COMMA)()    \
        OBSTRUCT(I_WoT_R)()   \
#define WithoutTypes(...) I_WoT(__VA_ARGS__,DONE)

Redefining your macro as such: 重新定义宏,如下所示:

#define FUNC(ret,args) EVAL(                           \
    ret my_func(WithTypes args) {                      \
        if( something ) other_func(WithoutTypes args); \
        return one_func(WithoutTypes args);            \

Allows you the slightly better syntax of: 允许您使用以下更好的语法:

class AClass : public AInterface {

Compiling to (after adding newlines): 编译为(添加换行符之后):

class AClass : public AInterface {
    int my_func(int a , int b ) {
        if( something )
            other_func(a , b );
        return one_func(a , b );

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

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