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[英]Entity Framework Package Manager Console Commands Error - failed to build

Whenever I try to run any entity framework command such as add-migration or update-database, the vast majority of the time I get an error "The project 'X' failed to build". 每当我尝试运行任何实体框架命令(例如add-migration或update-database)时,绝大多数时候我都会收到错误消息“项目'X'生成失败”。 The project builds fine in visual studio, and if I am persistent and keep trying eventually the command will work. 该项目在Visual Studio中构建良好,如果我坚持不懈,并继续尝试,最终该命令将起作用。 It can be very frustrating as sometimes it will work on the first 5 tries, and sometimes it could take 50. 它有时会在前5次尝试中起作用,有时可能需要50次尝试,因此可能会非常令人沮丧。

I have read around for tips and nothing has worked so far. 我已经阅读了一些提示,到目前为止还没有任何效果。 I think it must be something to do with the settings that the package manager console uses to build the project but I don't know what they might be or how to configure them. 我认为这一定与程序包管理器控制台用于构建项目的设置有关,但我不知道它们可能是什么或如何配置它们。

Has anyone run into this problem before that can offer advice? 有谁遇到过这个问题,然后才能提供建议?

Finally found this to be a problem caused by Resharper . 最后发现这是由Resharper引起的问题。 Suspending resharper whilst running the commands meant that they don't fail anymore. 在运行命令时暂停重新共享意味着它们不再失败。 I can only assume the problem was resharper having a handle on files whilst the build script runs during the command executions. 我只能假设问题是在命令执行期间运行构建脚本时,文件共享具有处理功能。


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