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使用在Windows Shell下运行的Python解释器编译C ++代码

[英]Compiling C++ code using Python interpreter running under windows shell

My environment is: 我的环境是:

Windows 7. PyDev IDE (eclipse). Windows7。PyDevIDE(蚀)。 Python 2.7. Python 2.7。

I want to compile and test some code I write in C++ (in the future, this code will be generated by a Python script). 我想编译和测试一些用C ++编写的代码(将来,此代码将由Python脚本生成)。 I need to get to compile a simple .c file for being used as a python extension. 我需要编译一个简单的.c文件以用作python扩展名。

Right now my code is: 现在我的代码是:

file: test.c 
This is a test file for add operations.
float my_add(float a, float b)
    float res;
    res = a + b;
    return res;

And the .py file: 和.py文件:

import subprocess as sp
import os
class PyCompiler():
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.file = name
        self.init_command = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"
        self.compiler_command = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\cl.exe"
        sp.call(self.init_command + " " + self.file)

    def compile(self):
        alfa = sp.call(self.compiler_command)

TestCode = PyCompiler(r"C:\Python27\CodeGenerator\src\nested\test.c")

If I launch this script, I get: 如果启动此脚本,则会得到:


Which means I got an error in the method PyCompiler.compile, since the return of subprocess.call is not 1. 这意味着我在方法PyCompiler.compile中出错,因为subprocess.call的返回不是1。

Can you provide some guidance on this issue? 您可以提供有关此问题的一些指导吗?

Do you know any other way of doing this? 您知道其他方式吗?

I actually managed to solve the problem by installing MinGW and using it to compile my C code. 通过安装MinGW并使用其编译我的C代码,我实际上设法解决了该问题。 My python code for this is: 我为此的python代码是:

import subprocess as sp
import os
import importlib

my_env = os.environ

Class init: 类初始化:

class PyCompiler():
        def __init__(self, name_in, module, dep_list):
            self.file = name_in
            self.dep = dep_list
            self.module_name = module
            self.compiler_command = r"python setup.py  build_ext --inplace -c mingw32 "
            ''' Here it goes the creation of the setup.py file: '''

And class methods: 和类方法:

def compile(self):
    command = self.compiler_command
    self.console = sp.call(command, env=my_env)

def include(self):
    module = __import__(self.module_name)
    return module

def set_setup(self):
    dependencies = ""
    for elem in self.dep:
        dependencies = dependencies + ",'"+elem+".c'"
    filename = "setup.py"
    target = open (filename, 'w')
    line1 = "from distutils.core import setup, Extension"
    line2 = "\n"
    line3 = "module1 = Extension('"
    line4 = self.module_name
    line5 = "', sources = ['"+self.file+"'"+dependencies+"])\n"
    line6 = "setup (name = 'PackageName',"   
    line7 = "version = '1.0',"
    line8 = "description = 'This is the code generated package.',"
    line9 = "ext_modules = [module1])"
    target.write(line1 + line2 + line3 + line4 + line5 + line6 + line7 + line8 + line9)

And the execution code: 和执行代码:

TestCode = PyCompiler(file, module, [lib])
test = TestCode.include()
  • file is the C file to compile. file是要编译的C文件。
  • module is the name assigned to the python module created. module是分配给创建的python模块的名称。
  • [lib] is the list of aditional C dependencies. [lib]是附加C依赖关系的列表。

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