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[英]RTP Header C Programming

I create UDP packets (insert IP and UDP headers) and send across the UDP socket. 我创建UDP数据包(插入IP和UDP标头)并通过UDP套接字发送。 I want to add a dummy RTP header to the packet that I create. 我想向我创建的数据包中添加一个虚拟RTP标头。 I created the RTP structure and inserting the RTP header as below: 我创建了RTP结构并按如下所示插入RTP标头:

rtph->cc = 4
rtph->x = 1
rtph->p = 1
rtph->version = 2
rtph->pt = 7
rtph->m = 1
rtph->seq = 0
rtph->ts = random()
rtph->ssrc = 0

When I capture in the wireshasrk I get Unknown RTP Version 3. 当我捕捉到wireshasrk时,我得到了未知的RTP版本3。

Any help is appreciated 任何帮助表示赞赏

If you define your own struct in C for RTP you must take the byte order into account. 如果在C中为RTP定义自己的结构,则必须考虑字节顺序。

typedef struct _RTPHeader
  //first byte
  unsigned int         CC:4;        /* CC field */
  unsigned int         X:1;         /* X field */
  unsigned int         P:1;         /* padding flag */
  unsigned int         version:2;
  unsigned int         version:2;
  unsigned int         P:1;         /* padding flag */
  unsigned int         X:1;         /* X field */
  unsigned int         CC:4;        /* CC field*/
#error "G_BYTE_ORDER should be big or little endian."
  //second byte
  unsigned int         PT:7;     /* PT field */
  unsigned int         M:1;       /* M field */
  unsigned int         M:1;         /* M field */
  unsigned int         PT:7;       /* PT field */
#error "G_BYTE_ORDER should be big or little endian."
  guint16              seq_num;      /* length of the recovery */
  guint32              TS;                   /* Timestamp */
  guint32              ssrc;
} RTPHeader; //12 bytes

The struct must be 12 bytes long, so you need force the compiler to pack it into a 12bytes long struct and not padding it. 该结构必须为12个字节长,因此您需要强制编译器将其打包为12个字节长的结构,而不要填充它。 Also I would add a static assert to check at compile time weather the struct really 12 bytes long, so: 我还要添加一个静态断言,以便在编译时检查结构是否真的长12个字节,因此:

#ifdef __WIN32__

#define PACKED
#pragma pack(push,1)

#define PACKED __attribute__ ((__packed__))

//---------------------- STATIC ASSERT ----------------------------------
//Source: http://www.pixelbeat.org/programming/gcc/static_assert.html
#define ASSERT_CONCAT_(a, b) a##b
#define ASSERT_CONCAT(a, b) ASSERT_CONCAT_(a, b)
/* These can't be used after statements in c89. */
#ifdef __COUNTER__
#define STATIC_ASSERT(e,m) \
    ;enum { ASSERT_CONCAT(static_assert_, __COUNTER__) = 1/(!!(e)) }
  /* This can't be used twice on the same line so ensure if using in headers
   * that the headers are not included twice (by wrapping in #ifndef...#endif)
   * Note it doesn't cause an issue when used on same line of separate modules
   * compiled with gcc -combine -fwhole-program.  */
#define STATIC_ASSERT(e,m) \
    ;enum { ASSERT_CONCAT(assert_line_, __LINE__) = 1/(!!(e)) }

typedef struct _RTPHeader
      //first byte
      unsigned int         CC:4;        /* CC field */
      unsigned int         X:1;         /* X field */
      unsigned int         P:1;         /* padding flag */
      unsigned int         version:2;
      unsigned int         version:2;
      unsigned int         P:1;         /* padding flag */
      unsigned int         X:1;         /* X field */
      unsigned int         CC:4;        /* CC field*/
    #error "G_BYTE_ORDER should be big or little endian."
      //second byte
      unsigned int         PT:7;     /* PT field */
      unsigned int         M:1;       /* M field */
      unsigned int         M:1;         /* M field */
      unsigned int         PT:7;       /* PT field */
    #error "G_BYTE_ORDER should be big or little endian."
      guint16              seq_num;      /* length of the recovery */
      guint32              TS;                   /* Timestamp */
      guint32              ssrc;
    } RTPHeader; //12 bytes

STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (RTPHeader) == 12, "RTPHeader size doesn't seem to be cool.");

#ifdef __WIN32__
#pragma pack(pop)
#undef PACKED

#undef PACKED

The version number must be 2 and then if you write to the bytes with this struct, like this: 版本号必须为2,然后使用此结构写入字节,如下所示:

char buffer[1400];
RTPHeader *rtph = (RTPHeader*) buffer;
rtph->version = 2;

then theoretically it would be ok. 从理论上讲就可以了。

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