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[英]Chart Hyperlink to Update table in same report

I have a single report that contains two pie charts and a table, all within the Detail pane. 我有一个包含两个饼图和一个表的报表,所有报表都在“详细信息”窗格中。 I would like to be able to select a slice of either of the pie charts and have that update the data contained within the table. 我希望能够选择其中一个饼图的一部分,并更新表中包含的数据。

For example, I have a pie chart listing the severity (High, Medium, Low) of an alert by COUNT. 例如,我有一个饼图,按COUNT列出了警报的严重性(高,中,低)。 There is a table containing more granular data for alerts of any severity. 有一个包含更多粒度数据的表,用于针对任何严重性的警报。 I would like to click on the "Medium" pie slice and have the table update its data to show only "Medium" alert granular data. 我想单击“中”饼图切片,并让表更新其数据以仅显示“中”警报粒度数据。

I've read about using Hyperlinks inside of the Chart in order to load an entirely different JRXML file. 我已经读过有关在图表内使用超链接以加载完全不同的JRXML文件的信息。 Is it possible to do this within the same report and detail pane? 是否可以在同一报告和详细信息窗格中执行此操作? I have no had much luck. 我没有太多运气。

These are some basic steps to set the hyperlink :- 这些是设置超链接的一些基本步骤:

  1. Open Pie chart in iReport and go to Chart Data --> Details --> Section hyperlink and set the hyperlink type to ReportExecution. 在iReport中打开饼图,然后转到“图表数据”->“详细信息”->“节超链接”,并将超链接类型设置为ReportExecution。

  2. Add Link Parameters - 添加链接参数-

     Parameter Name:- _report Expression:- "/path of the tabular eport in jasperreport server" 

Pass also severity parameter to pass value of severity when u clink on pie chart. 当您在饼图上单击时,还传递严重性参数以传递严重性值。

   Parameter Name :-     p_severity   
   Expression:-         $F{severity}

and pass remaining parameters which you are using in tabular report. 并在表格报告中传递您正在使用的其余参数。

Tabular report should be there on the JasperReport server with at least one parameter p_severity. 表格报告应该在JasperReport服务器上,并带有至少一个参数p_severity。

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