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[英]Is catching DocumentException a good idea?

I have a utility method which reads an xml file and converts to string as below: 我有一个实用程序方法,该方法读取xml文件并转换为字符串,如下所示:

public static String readFile(String xmlFileName) throws IOException, DocumentException{
        String xmlMsg = null;
        Resource resource = null;
        InputStream inputStream = null;
            resource = new ClassPathResource(xmlFileName);
            inputStream = resource.getInputStream();
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
            Document doc = reader.read( inputStream );
            xmlMsg = doc.asXML();
            if(inputStream != null){
        return xmlMsg;

Is it a bad idea if I catch the DocumentException in the above code and rethrow it as below: 如果我在上面的代码中捕获DocumentException并将其重新抛出,是否是个坏主意,如下所示:

public static String readFile(String xmlFileName) throws IOException, DocumentException{
        String xmlMsg = null;
        Resource resource = null;
        InputStream inputStream = null;
            resource = new ClassPathResource(xmlFileName);
            inputStream = resource.getInputStream();
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
            Document doc = reader.read( inputStream );
            xmlMsg = doc.asXML();
        }catch (DocumentException e){
           throw new DocumentException("some message");
            if(inputStream != null){
        return xmlMsg;

So, is it a bad idea to leave the responsibility of handling the DocumentException to the caller? 因此,将处理DocumentException的责任留给调用者是一个坏主意吗?

No, leaving the caller to handle the Exception is fine - throw early catch late . 不可以,让调用者处理Exception可以使早期抛出较晚

What I have a problem with is this: 我有一个问题是:

}catch (DocumentException e){
    throw new DocumentException("some message");

Why would you catch (DocumentException e) and then throw a new instance that strips out all useful information ? 为什么要catch (DocumentException e) ,然后抛出一个新实例以剥离所有有用信息 You can simply not catch it in the first place and let it percolate up to someone who can handle it. 首先,您根本无法抓住它,而让它渗入可以处理它的人手中。

Also, use Java 7 try-with-resources rather than finally . 另外,请使用Java 7 try-with-resources,而不要使用finally So, you code should be: 因此,您的代码应为:

public static String readFile(String xmlFileName) throws IOException, DocumentException {
    try (final InputStream is = new ClassPathResource(xmlFileName).getInputStream()) {
        final SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        final Document doc = reader.read(inputStream);
        return doc.asXML();

I have removed the variables that are declared as null then reassigned, I hate this practice and so do many other Java developers - get out of this habit. 我删除了声明为null然后重新分配的变量,我讨厌这种做法,许多其他Java开发人员也是如此-摆脱这种习惯。 Declare things when you need them and assign them immediately . 在需要时声明它们立即分配 In a garbage collected language the principal of minimum scope is very important. 在垃圾回收语言中,最小范围的原则非常重要。

I have also changed it to return directly rather than storing the value for some reason. 我还更改了它以直接return而不是出于某种原因存储值。

    catch (DocumentException e){ // here you are catching exception
       throw new DocumentException("some message");// now you are changing
       // exception message 

That is a bad practice you have to throw originally thrown exception to upper level then you can handle the Exception there. 这是一个坏习惯,您必须将最初抛出的异常抛出到更高级别,然后才能在那里处理Exception

This way is better 这样比较好

   catch (DocumentException e){
       throw new DocumentException("some message",e);

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