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[英]Grails inheritance and conflicting one-to-many and many-to-many relationship

I'm learning grails by trying to create a simple twitter copy. 我通过尝试创建简单的Twitter副本来学习grails。 I'm currently trying to incorporate followers and groups. 我目前正在尝试纳入关注者和群组。 I originally came up with a very basic database structure, and I've had no luck in implementing it. 我最初想出了一个非常基本的数据库结构,但在实现它方面却没有运气。 The design for relationships is as follows: 关系的设计如下:

        has many: Groups, Tweets, (Person as followers through User2Person)
        has many: (Person as followers through User2Person)
        belongs to: Person as owner
        belongs to: (Person or Group)
        belongs to: Person

Basically, I want Person and Group to be an instance of User, and then create a table that maps User to Person. 基本上,我希望Person和Group成为User的实例,然后创建一个将User映射到Person的表。 This way, only one table is created/used for the relationship between Group2Person and Person2Person. 这样,仅一个表被创建/用于Group2Person和Person2Person之间的关系。

More information: A Group is created by a Person and so it should have an "owner" (person_id). 详细信息:组是由人员创建的,因此它应该具有“所有者”(person_id)。 It also has many followers (ie members). 它还有许多关注者(即成员)。 Group cannot follow other groups, but a Person can follow either another Person or a Group. 组不能跟随其他组,但是一个人可以跟随另一个人或一个组。

Below is how I implemented this in grails: 下面是我如何在grails中实现此功能:

User 用户

    abstract class User {
        static hasMany = [followers: Person]
        static mappedBy = [followers: "followed"]
        String name
        Date dateCreated
        Date lastUpdated

        static constraints = {
            name shared: "mustFill", size: 3..20


    class Person extends User {
        static belongsTo = [followed: User]
        static hasMany = [tweets: Tweet, groups: Group]
        static mappedBy = [groups: "owner"]
        String username
        String email

        static constraints = {
            username shared: "mustFill", unique: true, size: 4..15
            email shared: "mustFill", email: true

        static mapping = {
            tweets sort: 'dateCreated', order: 'desc'



    class Group extends User {
        Person owner
        String description

        def getTweets() {
            return followers.tweets.flatten()

        static transients = {

Tweet (Just in case?) 鸣叫 (以防万一?)

    class Tweet {
        static belongsTo = [author: Person]
        String text
        Date dateCreated

        static constraints = {
            text shared: "mustFill", maxSize: 140

When I run the cmd grails schema-export , I get the following error: "| Error Error loading plugin manager: Domain classes [class tweeter.Group] and [class tweeter.Person] cannot own each other in a many-to-many relationship. Both contain belongsTo definitions that reference each other. (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)" 当我运行cmd grails schema-export ,出现以下错误:“ |错误加载插件管理器时出错:域类[tweeter.Group]和[tweeter.Person类]不能多对多拥有关系。两者都包含相互引用的belongsTo定义。(使用--stacktrace查看完整的跟踪)”

I was able to get the database to create almost the correct schema. 我能够使数据库创建几乎正确的架构。 Unfortunately, the join table's primary key for User2Person (aka followers) used (user_id, person_id). 不幸的是,使用了User2Person(又名追随者)联接表的主键(user_id,person_id)。 That meant that I could not have two records such as: (1, 2) and (2, 1) (eg two users are following each other). 那意味着我不能有两个记录,例如:(1、2)和(2、1)(例如,两个用户彼此关注)。 Below is the updated classes ( commit ): 下面是更新的类( commit ):

User 用户

    class User {
        static belongsTo = Person
        static hasMany = [followers: Person]
        String name
        Date dateCreated
        Date lastUpdated

        static constraints = {
            name shared: "mustFill", size: 3..20


    class Person extends User {
        static hasMany = [tweets: Tweet, groups: Group, follows: User]
        static mappedBy = [tweets: "author", groups: "owner"]
        String username
        String email

        static constraints = {
            username shared: "mustFill", unique: true, size: 4..15
            email shared: "mustFill", email: true

        static mapping = {
            tweets sort: 'dateCreated', order: 'desc'


The follower table in the schema looked like: 模式中的关注者表如下所示:

    create table user_follows (
        user_id bigint,
        follows__id bigint,
        primary_key(user_id, follows__id)

I scoured the web for information about changing the primary key for a join table. 我在网上搜索了有关更改联接表主键的信息。 The best I could find was about using code like: 我能找到的最好的方法是使用类似以下的代码:

    static mappedBy = { followers joinTable: [name:"someName", ...] }

Unfortunately, I had a hard time finding good documentation on the joinTable mapping, and most sources seemed to indicate that it was not possible to change the primary key of join tables easily. 不幸的是,我很难找到有关joinTable映射的良好文档,并且大多数资料似乎都表明不可能轻易更改连接表的主键。 I then decided to use a separate domain class to define the join table following this guide: Many-to-Many Mapping without Hibernate XML. 然后,我决定按照本指南使用单独的域类来定义联接表:没有Hibernate XML的多对多映射。 Below is the final updated code ( commit ): 以下是最终更新的代码( commit ):

User 用户

    class User {
        static belongsTo = Person
        static hasMany = [people: UserFollower]
        static mappedBy = [people: "followed"]
        String name
        Date dateCreated
        Date lastUpdated

        static constraints = {
            name shared: "mustFill", size: 3..20

        static transients = {

        def getFollowers() {
            return people.collect { it.follower }

        void addToFollowers(Person person) {
            UserFollower.link(this, person)

        void removeFromFollowers(Person person) {
            UserFollower.unlink(this, person)


    class Person extends User {
        static hasMany = [tweets: Tweet, groups: Group, users: UserFollower]
        static mappedBy = [tweets: "author", groups: "owner", users:"follower"]
        String username
        String email

        static constraints = {
            username shared: "mustFill", unique: true, size: 4..15
            email shared: "mustFill", email: true

        static mapping = {
            tweets sort: 'dateCreated', order: 'desc'

        static transients = {

        def getFollows() {
            return users.collect { it.followed }

        void addToFollows(User user) {
            UserFollower.link(user, this)

        void removeFromFollows(User user) {
            UserFollower.unlink(user, this)


UserFollower UserFollower

    class UserFollower {
        User followed
        Person follower

        static constraints = {
            followed nullable: false
            follower nullable: false

        static void link(User user, Person person) {
            UserFollower f = UserFollower.findByFollowedAndFollower(user, person)
            if(!f) {
                f = new UserFollower()

        static void unlink(User user, Person person) {
            UserFollower f = UserFollower.findByFollowedAndFollower(user, person)
            if(f) {
                f = new UserFollower()

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