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[英]How to send command to python script?

I have a python script running in background via nohup. 我有一个通过nohup在后台运行的python脚本。
It is an alarm system. 这是一个警报系统。 Once I run the script it checks if a motion is detected. 一旦运行脚本,它就会检查是否检测到运动。 Now i have the problem of how to disable the alarm. 现在我有如何禁用警报的问题。
Could you help me to find a good way to send a command to disable/kill the running script? 您能帮我找到一种发送命令来禁用/终止正在运行的脚本的好方法吗?

Quick and dirty method was: 快速而肮脏的方法是:
Checking a txt file content: if I want to shut down the script, I modify the txt. 检查txt文件的内容:如果要关闭脚本,请修改txt。

Something like: 就像是:

if txt content is "disable":

I am pretty new to python maybe you can help me. 我对python很陌生,也许您可​​以帮助我。

If you're using linux/unix/macos, you can kill the script from the command line 如果您使用的是linux / unix / macos,则可以从命令行终止脚本

$ ps aux | grep python
nate     16210  0.2  0.0  20156  5176 pts/2    S+   17:02   0:00 python3
nate     16215  0.0  0.0   8044   932 pts/1    S+   17:02   0:00 grep python

The second field is the PID of the running process, kill it with the kill command: 第二个字段是正在运行的进程的PID,使用kill命令将其杀死:

$ kill 16210
$ ps aux | grep python
nate     16220  0.0  0.0   8044   932 pts/1    S+   17:02   0:00 grep python

To grab the pid automatically, you can add this to the top of your python script: 要自动获取pid,可以将其添加到python脚本的顶部:

import os
pid = os.getpid()
with open('pid', 'w') as procfile:

Now, you can grab that pid with one line of bash: 现在,您可以使用一行bash来获取该pid:

kill -TERM $(cat pid)

replace pid with the location of the file pid 替代pid与文件的位置pid

if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/disable_alarm.txt")):
     #then dont sound alarm

and just put a file in your home directoy when you want it disabled ... 并在禁用时将文件放在您的家庭目录中...

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