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[英]How to erase the contents of a Frame

I have a Frame which is filled up with several Label . 我有一个装有几个LabelFrame The text in all the Label is recalculated on a regular basis and I would like to erase everything in the Frame before. 所有Label的文本都会定期重新计算,我希望之前删除Frame所有内容。

Initially I thought that it would be enough to replace the text of the Label : 最初,我认为替换Label的文本就足够了:

import Tkinter as tk

class MyApp():
    def __init__(self):
        self.counter = 0
        self.root = tk.Tk()
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self.root)
        self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0)  # typo edited following the answer
        self.root.bind('q', self.toggle)

    def toggle(self, event):
        self.counter += 1
        if self.counter % 2 == 0:
            text = "hello {}".format(self.counter)
            bg = "green"
            text = "very long text, longer than hello {}".format(self.counter)
            bg = "blue"
        # the tk.Label call is not assigned to a variable on purpose
        tk.Label(self.frame, text=text, bg=bg).grid(row=0, column=0)

app = MyApp()

The text is not replaced, though, but the longer one stays: 文本不会被替换,但是保留的时间更长:


How can I erase the contents of the Frame without erasing each of its elements? 如何在不删除框架的每个元素的情况下擦除框架的内容?

Please note that the tk.Label call is not assigned a variable to, I have several Label and do did not need to keep track of them, once they are displayed. 请注意, tk.Label调用未分配变量,我有多个Label并且在显示它们后无需跟踪它们。 I could, I guess, keep a list of all the Label and .grid_forget() them but if there is a simpler solution it would bring a cleaner code. 我可以保留所有Label.grid_forget()的列表,但是如果有更简单的解决方案,它将带来更简洁的代码。

Since you are always using the same label, you can create it in your __init__ method and then configure it in you callback: 由于您始终使用相同的标签,因此可以在__init__方法中创建它,然后在回调中对其进行配置:

def __init__(self):
    # ...
    self.frame = tk.Frame(self.root).grid(row=0, column=0)
    self.label = tk.Label(self.frame)
    self.root.bind('q', self.toggle)

def toggle(self, event):
    self.counter += 1
    # ...
    # the tk.Label call is not assigned to a variable on purpose
    self.label.config(text=text, bg=bg)

UPDATE: Since you don't want to use any variable for the label, you can destroy all the children of the frame: 更新:由于您不想为标签使用任何变量,因此可以销毁框架的所有子部件:

def toggle(self, event):
    # ...
    for children in self.frame.winfo_children():
    tk.Label(self.frame, text=text, bg=bg).grid(row=0, column=0)

Keep in mind that the call to grid() returns None , so in your original example the variable self.frame does not contain the widget reference: 请记住,对grid()的调用返回None ,因此在您的原始示例中,变量self.frame不包含小部件引用:

def __init__(self):
    self.counter = 0
    self.root = tk.Tk()
    self.frame = tk.Frame(self.root)
    # WRONG
    # self.frame = tk.Frame(self.root).grid(row=0, column=0)
    # RIGHT
    self.frame.grid() # row=0, column=0 comes by default

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