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[英]Webpack multiple named chunks ignoring names at runtime

I am having trouble with webpacks code splitting functionality. 我在使用webpacks代码拆分功能时遇到问题。 I am trying to have 2 named chunks for two routes in my application which are not often visited. 我试图在我的应用程序中有两个命名的块,这两个路径不经常访问。 mysite.com/settings and mysite.com/access. mysite.com/settings和mysite.com/access。

here is my webpack.config.coffee 这是我的webpack.config.coffee

module.exports =

  contentBase: "#{__dirname}/src/"

  cache: true

    app: './src/coffee/app'
    head: './src/coffee/head'

    path: path.join(__dirname, 'build')
    publicPath: '/'
    filename: '[name].js'
    chunkFilename: '[name]-[chunkhash].js'

  plugins: []

And here is my router.coffee 这是我的router.coffee

access: (slug) ->

    _this = @
    require.ensure ['../view/page/access-page.coffee'], (require) ->
      AccessPage = require '../view/page/access-page.coffee'
      accessPage = AccessPage.getInstance()
      accessPage.render() unless accessPage.isRendered
      _this.showPage accessPage
    , 'access'

settings: (slug) ->

    _this = @
    require.ensure ['../view/page/settings-page.coffee'], (require) ->
      SettingsPage = require '../view/page/settings-page.coffee'
      settingsPage = SettingsPage.getInstance()
      settingsPage.render() unless settingsPage.isRendered
      _this.showPage settingsPage
    , 'settings'

I am not using the webpack dev-server, instead I am watching simply by using the following cmd-line tool 我没有使用webpack开发服务器,而只是通过使用以下cmd-line工具观看

webpack -d --progress --colors --watch

The problem is that it ignores the names when requiring the files, as you can see the format is '[name]-[hash].js' it generates files with the correct format eg settings-2j3nekj2n3ejkn2.js but during development, when I attempt to load the page, the browser complains that '-2j3nekj2n3ejkn2.js' cannot be found, somehow the mapping of the files, ignores the names. 问题是它在需要文件时忽略了名称,因为你可以看到格式是'[name] - [hash] .js'它生成的文件格式正确,例如settings-2j3nekj2n3ejkn2.js但是在开发期间,当我尝试加载页面,浏览器抱怨找不到'-2j3nekj2n3ejkn2.js',不知何故,文件的映射忽略了名称。 If I leave out the names, then it works. 如果我省略名字,那就行了。

So the question is how can I setup mulitple named chunks correctly. 所以问题是如何才能正确设置多个名为chunk的块。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Note I have checked out their examples in the docs at https://github.com/webpack/docs/wiki/code-splitting 注意我已经在https://github.com/webpack/docs/wiki/code-splitting的文档中查看了他们的示例

and I have followed their optimization docs aswell at https://github.com/webpack/docs/wiki/optimization 我已经关注了他们的优化文档以及https://github.com/webpack/docs/wiki/optimization

But I am stuck 但我被卡住了

Well the simple answer is - [name= is not supported in chunkName. 那么简单的答案是 - [name =在chunkName中不受支持。

The awesome guys at Webpack have actually heard my cries and implemented it Webpack上那些很棒的人实际上听到了我的哭声并实现了它

Here is the commit https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/03c87c11a4219ae6ec6bfe87e570a0dacceac859 这是提交https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/03c87c11a4219ae6ec6bfe87e570a0dacceac859

As a result of the following issue I made https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/358 由于以下问题我做了https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/358

It is already available as of Beta ^1.3.2 它已经从Beta ^ 1.3.2开始提供

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