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[英]How to stop a innerHtml table repeating itself over and over and over again?

I have made an array with objects that get there info from three different user variables, however on one of these there are many sub variables that i don't want it to repeat itself every time the user presses the select button(which updates the table) instead i want it to just add onto (or take away) from the sections that it already has in the table. 我用对象组成了一个数组,这些对象从三个不同的用户变量那里获取信息,但是在其中一个上有很多子变量,我不希望它每次用户按下选择按钮时都重复一次(更新表) ),我希望它只是添加到表中已有的部分(或从中删除)。 thanks(if you need the variable code let me know) please help!! 谢谢(如果您需要可变代码让我知道)请帮助! i really need a solution!! 我真的需要一个解决方案!

//creating array
var gProducts = new Array();
var gTotalCost = 0;

// Adding Products to array gProducts
    function addProduct
var product = new Object();
product.name = name;
product.cost = cost;
gTotalCost += parseInt(cost)

 //Getting products from array, use of for in loop setting new table rows in blank var for each array item
function renderProducts()
var HTMLadd = ""

for (var i in gProducts)
if( gProducts[i].cost > 0){
    HTMLadd = HTMLadd + 
    "<td class='tableSettings00' id=tableRow2 >" + gProducts[i].name +
    "<td class='tableSettings'>€<span id=tableRow2part2>" + gProducts[i].cost +
document.getElementById('tableRow').innerHTML = HTMLadd;


In the loop you always iterate through the whole gProducts , hence the values already placed to the table are doubled every time you execute the function. 在循环中,您始终会遍历整个gProducts ,因此,每次执行该函数时,已放置在表中的值都会加倍。

This example uses some methods in HTMLTableElement to create new rows and cells. 本示例在HTMLTableElement中使用一些方法来创建新的行和单元格。 It also has a counter ( index ) holding the starting position of each iteration. 它还具有一个计数器( index ),用于保存每次迭代的开始位置。

var index = 0; // Counter for holding the current position in gProducts

function renderProducts () {
    var n, row, cell, span;        
    for (n = index; n < gProducts.length; n++) { // Start looping from the first new index in gProducts
        if (gProducts[n].cost > 0) {
            row = table.insertRow(-1); // Inserts a row to the end of table
            cell = row.insertCell(-1); // Inserts a cell to the end of the newly-created row
            cell.className = 'tableSettings00'; // Sets class for the cell
            cell.id = 'tableRow' + index; // Sets an unique id for the cell
            cell.innerHTML = gProducts[n].name; // Sets the content for the cell
            cell = row.insertCell(-1); // Create another cell to row
            cell.className = 'tableSettings';
            cell.id = 'tableRowPart' + index;
            cell.innerHTML = '€';
            span = document.createElement('span'); // Creates an empty span element
            span.id = 'tableRow2part' + index; // Sets an unique id for span
            span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(gProducts[n].cost)); // Appends some text to the span
            cell.appendChild(span); // Appends the span to the cell
    index = n; // Sets counter equal to the length of gProducts

A live demo at jsFiddle . jsFiddle上的现场演示

As a sidenote, personally I prefer not to use id s for elements within a table. 附带说明,就我个人而言,我不希望对表中的元素使用id If id s are needed, you probably have constructed your table incorrectly, or the data is not suitable being shown in a table. 如果需要id ,则您可能构造了错误的表,或者该数据不适合在表中显示。

You can use indices and table.rows and rows.cells collections to find cells, and if some elements has to be searched for from a cell, use firstElementChild and nextElementSibling properties of a cell to find them. 您可以使用索引以及table.rowsrows.cells集合来查找单元格,如果必须从单元格中搜索某些元素,请使用单元格的firstElementChildnextElementSibling属性来查找它们。

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