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[英]Fieldwise distribution of Monoid, Applicative, Monad etc for Haskell records

Is there a package that does roughly the following: 是否包含大致如下的包:

Given a record: 鉴于记录:

data R = R { a :: TypeA,
             b :: TypeB,
             c :: TypeC }

derives a lifted record: 得出一个解除记录:

data R_L f = R_L { a_L :: f TypeA,
                   b_L :: f TypeB,
                   c_L :: f TypeC }

and offers a couple of instances and functions similar to: 并提供了几个类似于以下的实例和功能:

instance (Monoid (f TypeA), Monoid (f TypeB), Monoid (f TypeC))
         => (Monoid (R_L f)) where
  mempty = R_L mempty mempty mempty
  mplus a b = ...fieldwise mplus...

sequenceR :: (Monad m) => R_L m -> m R
sequenceR = ... run fields, sum results ...
sequenceRA :: (Applicative m) => R_L m -> m R
sequenceRA x = R <$> a_L x <*> b_L x <*> c_L x

and probably others. 可能还有其他人。 Is there a package that provides this functionality and when not, which of the mechanisms (TH? Generics?) is best to use to implement it? 是否有提供此功能的软件包,何时不提供哪种机制(TH?Generics?)最适合实现它?

The monoid part is possible with generic-deriving , which offers an alternative GMonoid , of which generics are automatically an instance. 使用泛型派生可以实现幺半群部分,它提供了替代的GMonoid ,其中泛型自动成为实例。

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, DefaultSignatures #-}

import Data.Monoid
import qualified Generics.Deriving.Monoid as M

data R_L f = R_L { a :: f [()],
                   b :: f String,
                   c :: f () } deriving (Generic)

Now you can do the following: 现在您可以执行以下操作:

*Main> let x = R_L (Just [()]) Nothing (Just ()) `M.gmappenddefault` R_L (Just [()]) (Just "foo") (Just ())
*Main> a x
Just [(),()]
*Main> b x
Just "foo"
*Main> c x
Just ()

(I am still figuring out the generic Show instance.) (我还在搞清楚通用的Show实例。)

An ordinary Monoid instance can be created as follows (thought, that might be called boilerplate again...): 可以如下创建普通的Monoid实例( Monoid ,可能再次称为样板文件......):

instance (Monoid (f [()]), Monoid (f String), Monoid (f ())) => Monoid (R_L f) where
    mempty = M.memptydefault
    mappend = M.mappenddefault

In the package, there are also other derived instances for Functor , Traversable and Foldable . 在包中,还有FunctorTraversableFoldable 其他派生实例。

Monad and Applicative can maybe be modelled with generics similar to the existing instances, if you change the kind of your type ; 如果您更改类型的类型 ,可以使用与现有实例类似的泛型建模MonadApplicative ; although, maybe not in the way you like, since, I think, they would only make sense as a product functor of the fields' types, and not as you propose. 虽然,也许不是你喜欢的方式,因为,我认为,它们只会作为田地类型的产品函子而有意义,而不是你提出的那样。

In the true open source spirit I wrote my own library: 在真正的开源精神中,我编写了自己的库:

http://hackage.haskell.org/package/fieldwise http://hackage.haskell.org/package/fieldwise

https://github.com/gracjan/fieldwise https://github.com/gracjan/fieldwise

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