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numpy数组等效于+ =运算符

[英]numpy array equivalent for += operator

I often do the following: 我经常执行以下操作:

import numpy as np

def my_generator_fun():
    yield x # some magically generated x

A = []
for x in my_generator_fun():
    A += [x]
A = np.array(A)

Is there a better solution to this which operates on a numpy array from the start and avoids the creation of a standard python list? 从头开始对numpy数组进行操作并避免创建标准python列表,对此是否有更好的解决方案?

Note that the += operator allows to extend an empty and dimensionless array with an arbitrarily dimensioned array whereas np.append and np.concatenate demand for equally dimensioned arrays. 请注意,+ =运算符允许使用任意尺寸的数组扩展空无量纲的数组,而np.append和np.concatenate对相等尺寸的数组的需求。

Use np.fromiter : 使用np.fromiter

def f(n):
    for j in range(n):
        yield j

>>> np.fromiter(f(5), dtype=np.intp)
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

If you know beforehand the number of items the iterator is going to return, you can speed things up using the count keyword argument: 如果您事先知道迭代器将要返回的项目数,则可以使用count关键字参数来加快速度:

>>> np.fromiter(f(5), dtype=np.intp, count=5)
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

To get the same array A , do: 要获得相同的数组A ,请执行以下操作:

A = numpy.arange(5)

Arrays are not in general meant to be dynamically sized, but you could use numpy.concatenate . 通常,数组并不是要动态调整大小的,但是您可以使用numpy.concatenate

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