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SharePoint Online SDK不可作为参考

[英]SharePoint Online SDK not available as a reference

I have Windows 7 64-bit and Visual Studio Ultimate 2013. 我有Windows 7 64位和Visual Studio Ultimate 2013。

I downloaded the SharePoint Online Client Components SDK (x64) from the following URL: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42038 . 我从以下URL下载了SharePoint Online客户端组件SDK(x64): http : //www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/details.aspx?id=42038

I am trying to follow the example on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj163783(v=office.15).aspx however the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client; 我正在尝试遵循http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/office/jj163783(v=office.15).aspx上的示例,但是Microsoft.SharePoint.Client; line is saying that it doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. 一行说它不包含任何公共成员,或者找不到。

I think I can kind of see why as I do not see Microsoft.SharePoint.Client in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; 我想我可以看到为什么,因为在HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT中看不到Microsoft.SharePoint.Client; but maybe that has nothing to do with it as I can still find some registry information about Microsoft.SharePoint.Client; 但是也许与它无关,因为我仍然可以找到有关Microsoft.SharePoint.Client的一些注册表信息; however, When I go to the properties of my Project and go to the references tab I can not see the "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client" as a reference that I can check either. 但是,当我转到“项目”的属性并转到“引用”选项卡时,看不到“ Microsoft.SharePoint.Client”作为我可以检查的引用。 I am not really sure where to start. 我不太确定从哪里开始。 Perhaps some dlls need to be regserved or regasmed? 也许某些dll需要重新注册或重新填充? Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Thanks, 谢谢,

Sean W. 肖恩·W。

Ok that was silly; 好吧,这很愚蠢。 but, I figured it out. 但是,我知道了。 When I go to the Properties of my project and on to the References tab I needed to press "Add..." and then click on to the "Extensions" tab and then I could see the "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client" references there and it looks like I am able to continue coding. 当我转到项目的“属性”并转到“引用”选项卡时,我需要按“添加...”,然后单击“扩展名”选项卡,然后可以在其中看到“ Microsoft.SharePoint.Client”引用看起来我能够继续编码。

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