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[英]VBA: Cannot add item to combobox

I am trying to add some items via VBA into a dropdown list. 我正在尝试通过VBA将一些项目添加到下拉列表中。 Whenever I set the combo variable I get a 13 error. 每当我设置组合变量时,都会出现13错误。 I don't get to set the combo variable as a combobox from the libro sheet, therefore I cannot use the combobox.additem property, how can I set that straight? 我没有从libro表中将combo变量设置为combobox,因此无法使用combobox.additem属性,如何设置该值呢?

Sub Prueba()
Dim libro As Worksheet
Dim combo As ComboBox

Set libro = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tabla Paquetes")
Set combo = libro.Shapes("ComboBox1")

    With combo
        .AddItem "Paris"
        .AddItem "New York"
        .AddItem "London"
    End With

End Sub

Your combo box is NOT a shape, so your code won't find it in the Shapes collection. 您的组合框不是形状,因此您的代码在Shapes集合中找不到。

Instead, do the following: 而是,请执行以下操作:

Sub Prueba()

    Dim libro As Worksheet
    Dim combo As ComboBox

    Set libro = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tabla Paquetes")
    'Set combo = libro.Shapes("ComboBox1")

    With ComboBox1 ' assuming the name of your control is "ComboBox1"
        .AddItem "Paris"
        .AddItem "New York"
        .AddItem "London"
    End With

End Sub

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