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[英]TYPO3 menu based on couple of lists of ids

Is it possible to build menu in TypoScript which is based on couple of list of id's for example: 是否可以在TypoScript中基于id's列表对构建菜单,例如:

List one: 清单一:

20 = HMENU
20.special = list
20.special.value = 35, 56, 51, 43, 22

List two 清单二

30 = HMENU
30.special = list
30.special.value = 43, 1, 25, 98

etc.. 等等..

I need to insert in the footer section a six column menu with different links to different site. 我需要在页脚部分插入一个六列菜单,其中包含指向不同站点的不同链接。 Any ideas how to do that in one menu? 任何想法如何在一个菜单中做到这一点?

What about using directory menu ? 使用directory菜单呢?

  1. Create a folder in which you put all the pages you want in your menu. 创建一个文件夹,您将想要的所有页面放入菜单。
  2. Create a constant with the id of the folder. 用文件夹的id创建一个常量。
  3. Then create a menu like this one: 然后创建一个像这样的菜单:

     # Links list 20 = HMENU 20 { special = directory special.value = {$constants.page.footer.links} 1 = TMENU 1 { noBlur = 1 NO { wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li> ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title } ACT = 1 ACT { wrapItemAndSub = <li class="active">|</li> ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title } CUR = 1 CUR { wrapItemAndSub = <li class="active">|</li> ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title } } } 

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